That Was a Stupid Thing to Do

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Hyrum McCoy was standing outside of Y/n's dorm, she usually would smile, but since what happened between him and Kate, she just frowned.

"Hyrum, what do you want?" Y/n asked.

"Is Kate here?" he asked looking over Y/n's head to look around her dorm.

"No, why?" Y/n asked, she didn't want Kate to have to deal with this dude.

"Good," he said, "I came to ask you a question. Can we talk out here?"

Y/n stepped out of her dorm and closed the door.

"What did you want to ask?" Y/n asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Did you, Y/n L/n want to go on a date with me?" he asked, pulling out a bouquet of flowers.

"No," Y/n said.

He looked a little shocked, but kept going, "Are you not free right now?" he asked.

"No," Y/n said, "You broke up with Kate yesterday, and now you're asking me on a date. What kind of roommate do you think I am?"

"So, next week?" Hyrum asked, this guy didn't know how to take a no.

"No, I'm leaving to Atlanta next week," Y/n said folding her arms now.

"What about this Saturday?" he asked.

"How about this," Y/n said, Hyrum had a small smile on his face, "No."

He frowned again, "Well, we're both single, so why couldn't we just go on a date? We wouldn't have to date."

Y/n smiled, "I will tell you this one more time. No."

"But, Kate said you weren't dating because no one fit your standards, and I thought I could-"

"So you broke up with Kate to be with me?" Y/n asked.

He gave a sheepish nod.

Y/n sighed, "Well, you must be living under a rock because, I have a boyfriend, and I love him a lot."

"When- when did you get a boyfriend?" he asked.

"Technically we've been dating since this summer, I just don't talk about him because he's sorta a big deal."

"Does he know Tom Holland?" Hyrum asked, "I heard he came to campus to visit his girlfriend-"

"Of course I knows Tom Holland," Tom walked up, "And I must say he's a fine chap."

"Oh, you're the girl he came to meet..." Hyrum said awkwardly, "I guess I'll leave then."

"We're you trying to ask my girlfriend on a date?" Tom asked.

"I thought she was single," Hyrum said in defense.

"What's your name?"

"Hyrum, Hyrum McCoy."

"Aren't you dating Kate?"

"Tom, he broke up with her yesterday, so he could ask me on a date, today." Y/n explained, "He's kinda a douche."

"Well, if you could leave so I can spend some time with my girlfriend, that would be wonderful." Tom told him.

Hyrum sighed and walked off.

"Well, that was weird," Y/n said once Hyrum was gone, "I'm going to have to tell Kate about it."

"He's not very kind," Tom observed.

"He is, sometimes," Y/n said, "I can't blame him for shooting his shot, I haven't really told anyone I'm in a relationship."

"Well, you could post about it on your story," Tom said.

"Yeah," Y/n said, "Would you care to take a picture with me?"

"I'd love to."

They took a few pictures, and Y/n posted some of them along with some from that summer on her Instagram, with the caption.

yes, i am taken by my favorite spider-boy
love you @tomholland2013 ❤️

"Y/n, Love," Tom said looking at the post, "Did you really have to post the one of me sleeping on the bus?"

"Of course I did," Y/n smiled, "But we should go back in Kate's helping me pack, she's probably wondering where I am."

Y/n unlocked the door, and the two of them walked in, "Kate, Tom's here," she shouted.

Kate's head popped out of the door, "Oh hey Tom," she said, then she went back into the room.

"I'm going to go tell her about what just happened," Y/n whispered, "So if could just sit on the couch for a bit."

"Of course," Tom replied.

Y/n walked into the room where Kate was, and sat down next to where Kate was, "Kate," Y/n said.

"I already know it was Hyrum at the door," Kate said, frowning, "What did he want?"

"He asked me on a date," Y/n cringed, "I told him no, and that he was a douche, just for you."

"Thanks," Kate said laughing a little, "But he really came to ask you on a date?"

"Unfortunately, yes," Y/n frowned, "I told him no, like ten times but he kept pushing. I'm so sorry Kate, but he broke up with you so he could ask me out."

"That little butt cheek on a stick," Kate muttered, "It was probably a good thing I'm not dating him anymore, if he's just going to go for my best friend."

Y/n gave Kate a hug, "I'm so sorry that I was the reason he broke up with you."

"Y/n, it's fine," Kate said, "if you said yes, I would have been mad, but I know you wouldn't ever do that, even if you weren't dating Tom."

"I'm going to miss you so much Kate," Y/n said, she could feel tears staring to form.

"Hey, just don't forget me," Kate said, which made Y/n laugh a little.

"Of course I won't," Y/n said, "It's funny how this happened, yesterday I was there for you, but you're here for me today."

"Yeah, it's funny how life goes," Kate said, "We should probably get Tom to help us now, since he's here."

"Right," Y/n said, "Tom, you can come here now," she shouted.

She could hear the couch creek, Tom's head then popped into the room.

"Did you need my help, now?" he asked.

"Yes, yes we do," Y/n said smiling.


are you from mars?
because you're out of this world

that was pretty interesting my bro's

see ya later bee bro's

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