Chapter 36

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Just like the terrible two and team B did we went through therapy and trust exercises and such with success all summer. I didn't tell them, but I was very easily in love with the terrible two again in a way I never loved them before because they wouldn't allow me to before. I already knew how I was going to take them back. But first there was one more bout of torture to put them through I thought gleefully. To celebrate the joining of the Toma and Blackbourne family we were going camping. Meanie with his chemistry expertise made us spray that would keep mosquitos away with natural ingredients that weren't harsh or stinky. However, poor North has spray meant to attract mosquitos.

I hummed a happy gleeful tune as I put my camping backpack on and left my room. We drove across Lake Ponchartrain to the North Shore. We found a beautiful spot by the lake for our camping excursion. I helped setup my pretty pink camouflage tent where Gabe found it, I'll never know. I threw my bag into my tent after pulling out a towel, sunblock, and my spray. I stripped and threw my clothes into my tent leaving me in my bikini. I applied my sunblock with the help of my handsome men. Then I ran into the lake. Soon the rest of the guys joined me in the lake, and I heard Owen saying that his tent was defective.

"I'll share my tent." Sean said. I smirked as I continued floating on my back staring up at the sky. We weren't doing the same thing to both guys as it would be obvious if both their spray attracted mosquitos and both their tents were defective.

"Hey North, be careful around that log." I said as I pointed to a log floating near him. North quickly swam away.

"You don't think it's an actual gator, do you?" he asked looking nervous. I coughed to hide my giggle over the big brave cave man being nervous.  Who would a thunk it. 

 "Should be just a log as there aren't supposed to be gators in the lake but one can never be too careful in this state." I said with a shrug. I watched North continue to side eye the log. If I was certain it definitely wasn't a gator, I'd ramp up my mischief by swimming up to make sure it was a log and then pretend being attacked to freak him out. But alas this IS Louisiana and I'll be damned if it turns out to be a real gator, so I won't ramp up this prank. Turns out my dumb ass Pancake didn't have my problem as he swam up to it. 

 "It's just a-AHHH!! HELP!" Luke said as he trashed. 

 "Oh fuck!" North said as he swam for his brother. 

"Is it the snout we punch, or do we go for the eye?!" North asked in a panicked tone. Luke stopped trashing and began laughing his ass off.  

"Just kidding little brother. It's just a log." Luke said as he lifted it out of the water and then tossed it away.

North stopped freaking and shook his head as he swam away. I was proud he didn't flip out on Luke. Luke and I exchanged high fives. 

"Double Trouble." Gabriel said. 

"You can say that again. I feared this day." Axel said shaking his head. That evening we were cooking hotdogs over our campfire while North kept swatting at mosquitos the size of birds. 

"What the fuck? How come I'm the only one the spray isn't working for?" North grunted. 

"Hm. Some people's blood is more attractive to mosquitos so maybe your blood is so potent that the spray doesn't work for you." Kota suggested. I fought my giggles.

The days continued with pranks. Owen waking to a snake in his sleeping bag. North's tent eventually failing. So many mishaps that I was barely keeping it together with the giggles. We were eventually playing pranks on others, so it wasn't obvious. This was team building after all and celebrating our joining of families. So the terrible two shouldn't have all the fun. On the last night we let them in on this being pranks by dying the terrible two's hair hot pink with the same dye I used on the Toma team before that they couldn't get rid of for months. I'd concocted it with Meanie's help. I giggled as I fell asleep in my tent.

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