Chapter 2

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Marc's POV

After she walked out the door, I immediately sent a text to my team.

Me: An Angel is entering our lives.

Guns: Fruit cup?

Motorcycle: You haven't even met her yet! Hold off on the fruit cups.

Hacker: What's she like?

Biologist: Shouldn't some of you be busy with an assignment?

Me: We've met her before. She was the Blackbourne's bird! The fools let her leave. Actually they broke up with her! Can you believe that?? An Angel like her?

Guns: West is dumb. Fruit cup.

Motorcycle: Sang?? Really. They seem to love her so much.

Hacker: I remember her being very sweet.

Biologist: I guess we're just going to ignore me.

Guns: Relax. Nothing is happening.

Biologist: What's she doing here? How'd you meet her?

Me: Yes, really. She didn't say why but she doesn't seem to be hurt or care anymore. She said it was years ago. She's still very sweet. She attends college here and she walked into my coffee shop for a job. Doc sent her. He's adopted her. She carries his last name now.

Biologist: Interesting. Invite her to dinner.

Gun: I'll bring fruit cups.

Motorcycle: No fruit cups yet.

Hacker: Let's get to know her first.

Me: Will invite. She's back. Bye.

I looked up as the Angel walked back in. I took her identification to my office to put it into the computer and send the tax papers with identification to the IRS. Once I was done with the identification and paperwork, I brought it back to her. She stepped to the side when some customers came in. I was busy for the next 15 minutes but once I was done with the customers, I turned to her. 

"So when are you available?" I asked. 

"Right now my availability is open. Once school starts back up my classes will be in the morning. My last class ends at 3 pm. So I could get here by 4 pm and work until closing. Weekends are open." Sang answered. 

"Friday and Saturday nights is when you'll sing. We're closed on Sundays not for any religious reasons. Your off days will be Sunday and Monday. You can start tomorrow at 2 pm. Until you start school you can do 2pm to 10 pm Tuesday through Thursday. Friday and Saturday, you'll work 4 pm to midnight. Singing is 8 pm to close.  Monday through Thursday we close at 9 pm. So Tuesday through Thursday the hour after we close will be for you to make muffins for our mornings. We'll see how that goes before possibly adding more types of desserts/pastries. So how do you want to work muffins for Saturday morning? Would you like to stay later Friday night to make them or come in at 8 am to make them? We open at 9 am. Then Monday if you can come in just to make the muffins be free to enjoy the rest of your day off. You will be paid for the time on Monday to make the muffins." Marc said. 

"That works for me. I think I'll opt to stay later on Friday night to make them rather than making myself wake up that early on Saturday to make them after being here until midnight the night before. I'll come in on Sunday to make them for Monday as well. It'll be hard one school starts to get here on Monday mornings. So I'll just do it on Sunday." Sang said. 

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