Chapter 22

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Showdown Part One

Axel didn't have to wake me this morning. It's D Day. I woke up on my own excited for tonight. As we ran, I had extra pep to my step and Axel was suspicious.

"You said you're just excited for your performances. But I KNOW you're up to something. You have mischievous trouble written allllllllllll over you Sunshine." Axel said while side eyeing me.

"I'll be behaving but if I do misbehave tonight trust me when I say you'll enjoy it." I said with a big mischievous grin. I knew I was practically glowing with my enthusiasm.

"So Sean brought up with all of us getting STD testing and you on BC so we can stop polluting the earth with condoms. He meant to bring it up at the family meeting on Tuesday but forgot. Did you already agree to it?" Axel asked.

"Yep!" I chirped.

"Good. We all agreed too. We're going on Monday to get it done. He'll be waiting for you after classes." Axel said.

"Sounds good to me!" I said.

"Ok, you're starting to freak me out with how excited you are this morning. Seriously what are you planning?" Axel asked.

"Absolutely nothing!" I said happily. I wasn't lying. I wasn't planning anything. It was already planned. No current planning happening. Wink wink. I grinned at my thoughts. Axel shook his head.

Once home I showered and got ready for class. Raven was smirking at me.

"Why do I get the feeling Raven knows what you're planning but you won't tell me?" Axel asked when he saw the look Raven was giving me.

"I think you're imagining things Shadow." I said with a smile. Then I waved and bounced out the door with Raven's laughter floating out after me. When I got to school, I was positively buzzing.

"Girl I cannot wait for the show tonight. Who am I looking for?" Lana asked me with equal excitement.

"A tall man with a stick up his ass. With the way he acts the stick is probably up there sideways. He will wear glasses and has grey eyes. He always wears a grey suit because heaven forbid, he mixes it up. Then look next to him for the grumpiest man on both sides of the Mississippi. He's tall and built but not as built as my Russian that you've already met. He's Greek so he's dark. Dark hair and eyes. The other ones won't be with them. He's also Greek and he legit looks like a Greek God. He's even more built and taller than the grumpy Greek. But again nothing compared to my Russian. The final of the four will be a ginger. Also well built as he's a martial arts expert and tall because clearly all of them are mixed with Vikings or something. Except the Greek God. God status is his explanation. Anyways Ginger is blue eyed. Got it?" I said.

"Got it!" Lana said. We talked about everything that will be happening tonight as we ate. Finally I headed to my classes. After school I headed home as my excitement began building even more.

"Big Bear!" I cried as I threw myself in his arms. Raven chuckled as he held me.

"Excitement moy malen'kiy kotenok?" Raven asked.

"Much excitement Big Bear! I can't wait for tonight!" I said.

"Seriously, what do you two have planned?" Axel asked leaning against his bedroom doorway.

"Absolutely nothing.......that will affect you anyways." I said with a grin.

"And soon Luke will be apart of this family." Axel said as he smacked his forehead. I giggled.

"I'm worth it, right?" I said with a wink.

"Yes, yes you're worth it." Axel said while chuckling.

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