Chapter 29

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"Moy malen'kiy kotehok." Raven whispered. 

 "Harumph whaf?" I mumbled with my face smushed against his chest. I felt Axel laughing against my back. 

 "We might be able to understand you Sunshine if you pull your face out of Raven's chest." Axel said as he kissed my shoulder. I grinned into Raven's chest before quickly rolling him on his back and pinning him. Axel stroked his hand down my back. 

 "Is my Sunshine feeling frisky? I don't know if your boyfriends who leave tonight want to wait for us to fulfill your needs. In fact I can hear them at the door arguing about waking you." Axel whispered. 

 "Pervy doctor is good doctor. Moy malen'kiy kotehok not hung up at all. Moy malen'kiy kotehok handle drink like Russian." Raven said proudly. 

 "Your kitten isn't hungover." Axel corrected.

 "Da, same." Raven said. I kissed Axel and then Raven. 

 "Good morning my loves." I said as I got up.

I got a mischievous look on my face that had Raven grinning and Axel shaking his head. I crept to my door and swung it open and a few bodies hit the floor. 

 "Get off me. Silas you weigh like 500 lbs man. Get off me." Kota said. 

 "I will when Nathan gets off me." Silas said. Meanwhile Luke was standing behind them laughing. 

 "Oi Trouble is living up to her fucking name." Gabriel said laughing with Luke. 

 "What did my Princess do?" Victor asked as he walked from the direction of the kitchen. I backed up and then ran at the pile before leaping over them.

 "Hi Prince! I didn't do anything. I just opened my bedroom door. How was I to know they were apparently leaning on it?" I said shrugging with a devious grin. 

 "Did she just jump over us? And when are you both going to get off me?" Kota asked. 

 "Boys are you going to block the way forever? I'm not going to take a running leap over you." Axel said with laughter dancing in his eyes.

Nathan finally got up and helped pull Silas up who then helped pull Kota up. I sniffed the air. 

"What's the delicious smell?" I asked. 

 "Shrimp wrapped in bacon in grits. Along with eggs benedict with hollandaise sauce." Luke said.  

"Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaancake. Have I told you lately that I love you? Have I told you there's no one else above you? Fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness. Ease my troubles, that's what you do!" I sang happily to Luke. 

 "I mean you made such a big deal about the grits at the diner I knew I couldn't let you down Cupcake." Luke said with a laugh. Sean and Marc came into the room. 


 "Yes, do you remember Pookie?" Sean asked with a grin. 

 "I do! I remember everything Muffin and Romeo." I said with a giggle. 

 "Pookie you hurt me this morning. I was going to sleep with you, but you asked for Axel instead. And when I said I'd go get him you had the nerve to not even recognize who I was. You referred to me as an unknown voice." Sean said with a pout. 

 "Sorry Romeo. I'd kiss you but food is calling." I said with a wink as I darted to the kitchen. I could hear the guys laughing as they followed me.

"Harley! Core! My twin loves! You didn't get into the food without me, did you? You know how I love my bacon wrapped shrimp in grits." I said as I ran full force towards them. 

 "No Quinn we didn't." Brandon said as Corey was laughing. 

 "You were about to though." I said accusingly as he stood with a bowl by the stove. 

 "Never Quinn. I was going to get your food for you." Brandon said. 

 "Mmmhmmm. I've got my eyes on your Harley. But I'll accept my bowl of grits now." I said with a grin and suspicious eyes. Brandon filled my bowl while Corey put the eggs with the sauce over them onto a place for me. I skipped to the dining room table and they brought it over with chocolate milk for me. The guys all filed in to get food with amusement on their faces.

"Pancake. These grits are definitely on par for the ones I had at the seafood fest. Don't you agree Muffin?" I asked. Marc took a bite and I could see the pleasure bloom across his face. 

 "Definitely agree little Bean. You did good Luke." Marc said.

After lunch we settled in for being lazy as not everyone was handling their alcohol as well as I was. AhemNathanAhem. The Toma guys settled in with us to watch Dead to Me. As we were watching an idea sprung on me. I shot up into a standing position. 

 "I KNOW THE HANGOVER CURE!!" I shouted. The guys jumped as they were not expecting my exclamation. 

 "I'll be right back Honey!" I said as I ran to my room. I changed into clothes grabbed my things and ran out the front door. I ran to the closest bar on Magazine St and ordered two Bloody Mary's. I walked back home and presented Nathan with a Bloody Mary. 

A/N:  The Bloody Mary is pictured at the top.

 "Lana is from here and she swears on this as being the end all to be all cure for hangovers. I trust her with my life so I'm sure it'll work." I said as I took a sip of mine. 

 "Ooh, and it tastes good." I said as I took the celery out and took a bite. I watched Nathan sniff it and then take a sip. 

 "Hm. It's not upsetting my stomach. I'll give it that." Nathan said.

By the time the boys had to begin getting ready for the airport Nathan was feeling much better. 

"Lana is right. My stomach feels settled down now. Bloody Mary is a good cure." Nathan said. 

"Told you so Honey." I said with a grin. Once the boys were ready Sean and I took them to the airport in our cars. My Volto besties were waiting there to say bye to me. 

 "Why didn't you hang out with us today?" I asked with a pout. 

 "We're so hungover." Karen groaned. 

 "You should have told me. When you get past security stop at one of the bars and get Bloody Mary's. It's a hangover cure. I got one for Nathan so he can swear by it for you." I said. 

 "It's true. I was so nauseated, but it settled my stomach right now." Nathan said. 

 "We're definitely getting that." Derrick said with a groan. I giggled. I hugged my three besties gently. Then hugged and kissed each of my guys saving Silas for last. I mean come on he gives the best hugs. 

 "Superman. You have no idea how much I miss these hugs when I don't have you." I said. 

 "Come June there will be nothing stopping me from hugging Aggele Mou. No distance." Silas promised. I watched all my boys go through security before Sean and I left.  

A/N: I know y'all are used to long chapters from me so this is super short.  But after work I had to go vote which means by the time I got home I didn't have much time to dedicate.  I wasn't even going to write except tomorrow I'm getting together with friends for our weekly trivia night.  So  I won't have time to update at all tomorrow.  I didn't want to skip two days so hence a short chapter.  

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