Chapter 16

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Silas POV

I was a couple hours into my shift when Uncle approached North and I.

"Hey. Have you two watched Sang's performances? One of her clearly devoted fans posts every single one of them." Uncle said. He showed us his phone and pressed play. Then I heard my Aggele's angelic voice ring out.

"Thank you all for coming to enjoy the fantastic coffee made here and I hope you'll all enjoy the songs I play for you. Some will be covers and some my own. This first one is a cover and dedicated to everyone who has experienced a toxic love." Aggele said.

Shots fired in 3, 2, 1...

"Who do you think is her toxic love experience?" Uncle asked while looking dead in North's eyes. Sang was strumming the guitar and singing lyrics I didn't recognize but the chorus didn't leave a good feeling in my heart as she began singing about killing that love.

"Can you send that to me?" North and I asked in unison. I guess he always wanted to watch every video when he got home. Not that I knew why he'd care since he clearly moved on. I didn't say anything though. Kept my thoughts to myself.

After work I headed straight home and watched every single video. I froze when I watched the most recent ones. Aggele Mou was singing a duet but what made me freeze is that I recognized her duet partner. It was Marc Weiland from the Toma Team. The same team Sean joined. Sean, Victor, Kota, Luke, and Gabriel know where Aggele Mou is. That's why they smugly gave their graduation date as to when they'll stop waiting for her. Because they already know where she is and will be joining her. Fuck. I don't know if any of them would talk to me. But Nathan was close to Victor and Kota. Maybe they'd talk to him and say where Aggele Mou is. I sent him the video of Aggele Mou singing with Marc and asked him to see if he can find out from Kota or Victor where she is since clearly, they know.

Nathan's POV

I received a text message from Silas with a video and it said that Kota and Victor know where Sang is. I watch the video and I'm surprised to see my Peanut singing a romantic duet with Marc. Then like Silas I connected the dots. Marc is on team Toma. Sean just joined their team. THEY KNOW WHERE SANG IS. I send the video to Kota and Victor and tell them I want to make things right with my Peanut and to please tell me where she is. They both reply apologetically saying that per my Peanut's request they can't tell me that we have to figure it out on our own if she's to consider taking us back. I reply to Silas with their response but let him know that honestly, it's not hard. We just have to ask the person posting the videos.

Her YouTube channel links her Twitter profile which says she lives in New Orleans. Well. That's one step right there. We know what city Peanut is in. I send the girl a DM asking where and when my Peanut performs expressing interest in seeing her live. Fifteen minutes later the girl responds obviously excited to share her love for the singer. She tells me the performances are at Coffleur De Bean on Magazine St every Friday and Saturday. She said that there won't be a performance this weekend though. She said the guy in the duet is the owner of the café and that the singer works there as well. Isn't this girl a fountain of information. I send Silas a message that we should head to New Orleans next week. We're both excited.

North's POV

I just finished watching every video like a child starved for love. She's even more beautiful. She's finally a healthy weight which agrees with her. Her voice is beautiful. She's different. I know this just from the fact that she's performing for a crowd instead of trying to hide behind her hair. Were we wrong about her three years ago? Were we ignoring this girl when she was right in front of us? Were the guys all right about Mr. Blackbourne and me? I was scared that they're right. I message the girl sharing the videos. I mean it's not like I'm going to go see Sang myself. I just want to know. The girl sends me all the information that I didn't know she'd also sent to Nathan. I don't know what to do but I do know that Silas and Nathan will want to go to her. Which means Mr. Blackbourne needs to know. I send him a message about what's going on and include the duet video. It's not long before he's requesting a mandatory meeting for as soon as possible. Team B tell him he can shove it.

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