Chapter 12

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I was awoken before my alarm by Axel. 

"Axeeeeee. I don't like waking earlier than I have to." I whined. 

"I didn't get to run with you all week. Let's go. Sassy is also ready for her mom to run with her." Axel said. 

"I can't. There's a crow stuck to me." I said smugly. Axel considered that seriously because no one likes to wake Raven. I thought I had won when Axel disappeared from my room and went immediately back to sleep. I was rudely awoken again when I was all but dragged from my bed. I blinked sleepily and found that Axel had replaced me in Raven's arms with a body pillow. I grumbled grumpily as I grabbed my running clothes and changed into them. I did this all in front of Axel all without realizing because I was so sleepy. I went into my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. When I came back into my room Axel was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a sexy smirk on his face.

"I-you-I-why didn't you leave when I changed?!" I finally got out. 

"You knew I was in here and didn't ask me to leave. I thought you were just that confident in your body." Axel said still smirking. 

"I forgot you were in here! I was still half asleep!" I got out with my voice starting to rise. 

"Careful Sunshine. You'll wake the sleeping bear." Axel said. I glared as I slid into my running shoes. I grabbed my phone and saw the boys had messaged me after I fell asleep. I replied to each of them to let them know I was glad they were safe and to have a good first day back at school. I turned my alarm off and then slid my phone into my pocket. Then I crossed the room grabbing Axel by his arm to drag him out of my room. I didn't get far as he didn't budge. 

"Come on you, big lug." I said. Axel laughed while following me out of my room. 

"Who knew my Sunshine had a grumpy side." Axel teased. 

"Which is why you won't do this again tomorrow, right?" I said with a smile on my face. 

"Oh I definitely will. It's my time with you." Axel said with a pleasant smile on his handsome face.  

"Ugh. When you put it that way. Fiiiine." I said dragging the fine out in a whine.

"If I'm grumpy on my first date with Brandon it's your fault." I said as we began our walk towards St Charles. 

"You'll be fine by then. You had plenty of sleep. You went to bed plenty early last night." Axel said. 

"No I didn't." I said in an annoyed tone. 

"Well when did you get back up?" Axel asked in a suspicious tone. It was that moment that I realized my mistake. 

"Oh you know what I did go to bed early. I have plenty of sleep." I said with a big smile. 

"Sang." Axel said. 

"FINE. I had a solo mission last night at midnight!" I said in an annoyed tone. 

"So that was why Raven was adamant on sleeping in your living room. 

"Stupid annoying Crow." I grumbled to myself. 

"You know I can't tell you anything." I said to Axel. 

"I know, and I won't ask. I am wondering if you'd be interested in being an official member of the Toma team. I asked Sean before he left, and he accepted. I've been putting the paperwork together." Axel informed me.

I won't lie, I was surprised by his request. I was surprised that Sean accepted. It is safer to be part of a team than solo. Especially as a bird. 

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