Chapter 3

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Kota's POV

I can't deal with this team anymore. We need Sang back. She was our heart. I'm tired of playing neutral when I never wanted to break up with her either. I knew she was ready for the next step in the relationship. I was ready to make it a mature relationship. But Mr. Blackbourne and his stupid rules that constantly backfired on us with Sang. I question his leadership now. I want her found just as much as Victor and co do. I've bugged Lilly relentlessly the last three years, but she holds on to the confidentiality between Dr's and patients. I've asked Dr Roberts, but he won't tell us anything either and I can TELL that he knows. It's so frustrating. I'm counting all the time now. I'm getting closer and closer to breaking rules and telling Victor to hack the Academy to find her because I know that's all we need to do.

Sang's POV

I woke up and ate a banana as I walked to St Charles. Once I reached St Charles, I considered myself warmed up and began jogging along the avenue. Once I reached Audobon Park's jogging trail I turned onto it and began jogging through the park. As I ran someone moved next to me jogging with me. I looked and saw a tall Native American with long black hair pulled back. He was beautiful and familiar. 

"Mr. Toma?" I huffed out. 

"Hey Sang. You can call me Axel. I don't have a stick in my butt." Axel said with a laugh as he kept pace. 

"Now that I know the Academy so well, I know this isn't coincidental." I said. 

"True. Marc talked about you so much I was curious." Axel said. 

"Not stalkerish at all." I teased. 

"Oh definitely stalkerish." Axel said with a wink. I shook my head with a laugh. 

"Do you always take this path around this time?" Axel asked. 

"Eh. When I'm not in school I do regularly. Once school starts, I have no pattern. I run when I can." I said. 

"I get that. Well, you have my number. So keep up with me on when you're going to run and if I'm available I'll join." Axel said. 

"I can do that." I said. We jogged in silence together after that.

Once we reached Magazine I turned onto Magazine and ran towards my home. Axel kept jogging with me. Once I reached my street I began walking to cool down. 

"You live on this street?" Axel asked walking next to me. 

"Yep. It's a really nice place and actually affordable for uptown. Perfect for roommates though I don't need one. It has two bedrooms, and each has its own bathroom so if I did need a roommate, we'd have our own. Small kitchen with a living room with a working fireplace which I love. My gas bill is so cheap because in the winter I don't use the heater at all. If it's cold enough I use my fireplace and it heats the whole place." I said. We got in front of it and he whistled. 

"Yep, I love it. I moved in when I got here three years ago and haven't left. Did you want to see the inside?" I asked. 

"Sure." He replied. I grabbed my keys out of my athletic shorts pocket and unlocked the door. I walked inside and moved so Axel could fit in. 

"It's really cozy." He said as he left the living room to look in my kitchen. 

"Yes, it is. That's the spare bedroom, this is my bedroom, and this is my adorable courtyard." I showed him each. 

"You don't have a washer and dryer?" Axel asked. 

"I do. It's in the attached shed. I just make sure to do my laundry during the day, so I don't have to go out there at night with the flying cockroaches." I said with a shudder. 

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