Chapter 23

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Showdown Round Two

Mr. BlackBourne's POV

It took everything in my being not to approach Miss Sorenson last night. She was intentionally playing with fire and goading me into action. From my meeting with the younger Mr. Taylor she won, and he did approach. It didn't go favorably for him. I don't know this Miss Sorenson. She's not the shy, quiet, nervous girl anymore. I wanted to hold off and gather intel on her. Get to know this new Miss Sorenson but I know that's impossible. She's backed us into a corner. Mr. North Taylor didn't make it through last night and I know I won't make it through tonight. I like being in control and things going according to plan. Nothing is going according to plan and I barely have the leash on my control. So I woke early with the plan on approaching her at the address that Mr. North Taylor provided.

Sang's POV

I woke up a little later than normal today after last night. I'm surprised my Shadow let me sleep this late. It's ten in the morning. I put a sports bra on with my athletic leggings. I slide my phone into the side pocket on my pants. I prefer my athletic pants with the pockets because I hate the arm band. It's obnoxious especially when sweating. I left my room and peered into the kitchen. 

"My sleeping Sunshine finally awake and wanting to run?" Axel asked from the kitchen counter. 

"Yep, you coming?" I asked. Axel gave me look and waggled his brows. 

 "I don't know, will I be?" Axel asked. 

 "Hmm. Maybe?" I said with a giggle as I headed towards the front door.

I opened the door and bounced down the stairs to the sidewalk with Axel on my heels.

 "Miss Sorenson, may we speak?" Mr Blackbourne asked. 

 "I'm about to go on my morning run with my Shadow." I said as I trailed my fingers down Axel's arm before clasping his hand. I noted as Mr. Blackbourne watched the interaction. I was smirking on the inside. 

 "Would you like to wait inside until we return?" I asked. 

 "I thought we were going to have bedroom fun when we got back Sunshine?" Axel grumbled. 

"We will. We'll just have to put it off until I hear Mr. Blackbourne out." I said. "I'll wait inside." Mr. Blackbourne said. Axel silently opened the door to allow stick up his ass inside.

Mr. Blackbourne's POV

The moment I stepped into the Toma Team's home I was jumped on by a dog. 

 "Sassy stop behaving like your namesake. I know you're just trying to get the stick that is stuck sideways up his butt but trust me when I say it's stuck there. Be a good girl for mommy. Go get your daddy." Miss Sorenson said while giggling at her dog's behavior. Then Axel shut the door leaving me alone with "Sassy". Miss Sorenson's giggles were echoing in my head. I could feel my cool control slipping. First, she intentionally stirs us up last night. Second, she makes me WAIT to talk. Third, she finds humor in her dog's behavior rather than being annoyed at the lack of training her dog is displaying. Fourth, she referred to me having a stick up my ass and not just that but that it was sideways.

Mr. Blackbourne just sitting there ticking away our Sang's sins 😂

"Hey Sassy. Did daddy hear you being bad? Come on. Come lay on my bed Sassy Pants." Mr. Weiland coaxed the terrorist into his room. 

 "Oh hi Mr. Blackbourne. Didn't see you there though now her behavior makes sense. Don't worry you'll be safe now." Mr. Weiland said. 

 "Is there a bathroom I may use?" I ask as I clear my throat. 

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