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I open the door and automatically punch whoever's standing in front of me.They fall to the ground and I hear a scream.

Oh flip.

I kneel down next to Muse and help Gumball up. His left cheek is bruised and bleeding a bit. I guess I hit him too hard. Maybe I should have looked at who was at the door first.

Muse and I finally get Gumball up and sit him on my rock hard "couch."

"Sorry." I say to either Muse or Gumball, whoever's listening to me.

I leave Muse and Gumball and float up stairs to see how Fi is doing. She's still sitting in the same place I left her.

I grab her some pajama pants and give them to her. I pick her and the pants up and float her to my bathroom and place her on to the floor carefully.

"Get dressed Fi. It's okay. Gumball and Muse just dropped by." I kiss Fi's forehead and she flinches a little.

Thankfully she nods reassuringly. I smile and close the door as I exit. I sit on the bed and wait for Fi to finish.

I want to kill Jay. He should die. I dot care how he dies, as long as he's in pain. I want to see him in pain, I want to see him cry and weep, and beg for forgiveness.

I want him to experience the same pain Fi feels, but even worse.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of someone moving. I look up and no one is in sight.

"Fi?" I ask floating to a "standing" position.

No answer. I don't hear a word. I float over to the door and knock. I don't hear any movement. I don't hear the sound of her voice.

I feel the handle and it's locked.

"Fi, I'm coming in." I say unsure.

I put a better grip on the handle and with all my force pull it back, breaking the door off of its hinges. I place the door down on the floor.

I look inside and she's gone.


Lol I updated really fast... That means the chapter might MAYBE suck...

Ish short... ik.

I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! ❤️❤️❤️

QOTD- You peoples doing anything special for Christmas or Winter Break?

QOTD P2- What do you peoples want?

~JOE OUT!!!~

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