Grins, Smirks, and Smiles

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Fionna's POV

We finally escape. I thump down on the floor with Ice Queen on my back. i roll her off me and groan. I don't even know how long it took. There was no one left inside there. Everyone was gone. We left the scorching hot place behind us as we entered the portal room. I put some snow in my hand, take off the crown, and place it on the ground. I half of the snow to my mouth and give the res to Ice Queen.

Wait, why did she come to me? Was she trying to rescue me?It's Simone, right? No, this was Ice Queen. Why didn't Marshall come and save me? He could have powered through any of the guards to fly up and save me. Where's Jay? Where's Marshall's mom. Jay came to me a few times, but I turned my back to him. He gave me a healing potion twice, it only made me feel loopy afterwards. It felt somewhat nice to rest. The dreams I had were in Marshall's arms... I miss him.

"We have to save Marshall," I look at Ice Queen as she stands up and grabs her crown.

"W-What's wrong with Marshall!?!" I question her, starting to worry. Maybe that's why he didn't save me. I look at Ice Queen for answers.

"They locked him up. His mother is keeping him captive I believe. She's making him stay there, I don't know many details. His mom thinks we're dead, maybe. I mean, if we're lucky. We have to get to the jail they have, it's a large towers with a jail cell on each floor," She explains as we start walking out the door.

I only nod my head in response to all her jumbled words. When we get outside she puts on her crown and carries me bridal style through the Nightosphere.


"I was told no more visitors for him," The man says on the main floor. He looks almost human if it wasn't for his red glaring eyes.

"The Vampire Queen told us to check on his son, Marshall Lee Abadeer, the Vampire King," Ice Queen states with a civil tone.

"I don't trust you. You don't look like you would be doing so," He states firmly, looking at us suspiciously.

I wait for her to reply. I look up and she's staring at the guy who has lost interest in the conversation. I look down and see her fists clenching. I want to reach for her, but I don't want to interfere with whatever is going on in her head.

Out of no where there's a cold gust of wind that surrounds the room. I close my eyes as the winds circle and feel an embrace. It makes warmer, slightly. After a few seconds, I open my eyes after the arms are left from me. I look around, it's icy blue with snow and ice.

My eyes freeze as I look at them man. He's still at the front desk, he's not dead. He's just stuck. I walk closer and see that Ice Queen left him in an ice block. I look close enough to see that there's a little moving space, but he can't really move.

"We have to hurry," Ice Queen states. I look towards he and she starts heading up the stairs. Her crown is off and she's holding it in her hand. I snap out of my trance and quickly run up the stairs, following her.

We check all the floors. We find many people, but none of them is Marshall. There's a cage on every floor, holding only one person. I want to split up, but I feel as though one of us might get caught. I feel my breath escaping as I have to run in every single time as Ice Queen keeps guard with her ice power.

I run in, quickly look in and turn around. I'm about to run to ice Queen but I stop. I back pedal towards the cage and look inside at whoever's in there. I look at the guy. Is that Marshall? He has black hair. His head is down and he's sitting on the floor.

"Leave me," The guy states, his voice is hard and he doesn't seem to want to be bothered.

"Fionna, did you find Marsh?" Ice Queen calls.

"Fi..?" I look back and see Marshall's glaring red eyes meet mine. They turn back to blackish grey and I can see a slight smile of hope.

"Yeah," I call back to her.

"Hurry, there's someone coming up the stairs," She whispers.

Suddenly, I feel arms wrap around me. I shake, oh no. I look up and glare up at him as he smirks. I look behind him and see the bars of his cage have been pushed just far enough for him to escape his prison. I look at his face again. He looks even more dead then usual, if that's even possible.

"A-Are you okay?" I ask, scared that his answer might be no.

"I'm fine, don't worry bunny," His cold lips touch my forehead for a second. I look up and my eyes meet his warm smile.

"M-Marsh?" I look back and see Ice Queen standing there, smiling.

"Hey Simone, let's get out of here,"He holds my hand and leads me towards her. He hugs her with one hand and we start heading down the stairs.

I look as we pass a man, he glares at us as we go down the stairs. He's frozen in a block of ice. We walk down the many stairs, frantically. Ice Queen stops us as we meet the main floor. I can hear people talking.

"They're alive? You just let them through?" A voice hisses. "You imbecile! I should have you killed! Go up and bring them back, or I will kill you!"

We all back up a little. We hear him coming and Ice Queen stays where she is.

The moment is broken when Simone is grabbed by the neck and her crown falls but is immediately picked up. Marshall runs forwards and I follow closely behind. We enter the room and see Marshall's mother, holding Ice Queen by the neck. She's still, afraid to move.

"You really thought I couldn't hear those noisy feet coming down the stairs?" Marshall's Mom asks, grinning.

~ I Wont Ever Let You Go ~

Sorry for the really long wait! I think I might end the book on chappy 70, or 69 XD (next chappy or one after). 

Fiolee Out

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