Sakura and Rowan

424 13 9

Fionna's POV

We let go of each other in the white room. I'm wearing my adventure outfit and Marshall is wearing his normal attire.

I hear someone in the distant. The room becomes the tree house it was before. We both stand up and look around.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"Let's go outside..." He answers.

"What about your umbrella?"


I get up and look out the window. I see MagicWoman sitting on a limb of the tree house.

"I'll be right back," I tell him.

"You shouldn't go alone, it's dangerous," He grabs my wrist.

I take his hand off of my wrist. I nod to him and smile. He nods and let's me go outside. I walk outside and and hop up to the limb and sit near MagicWoman.

She wipes her face and looks over at me. I smile and she looks up into the sky. I look up at the blue sky.

"My brother and sisters let me stay here because I found a new way. I learned of happiness. I just can't seem to find a way to get it..." MagicWoman sighs.

"I think I get what you were trying to do with Marshall and I," I smile a little.

"Really?" She looks over at me and laughs a little.

"You were jealous that Marshall and I were together. You were jealous because you couldn't get Mahjong to love you. If only he knew that you loved him right? There was a time when you two were maybe together, but you broke apart. You wanted revenge. You were mad. That's why you did it. But now, you don't even care anymore..." (Did any of you think of any of that..? ^)


The wind blows softly. We both sigh, our sigh being lost in the wind. All this love junk... I smile.

"Maybe I can help you," I tell her.

"How? He never like's talking to me..." She complains softly.

"Okay, well... You need to talk to him. Maybe can't help you, but you can help yourself. Fix yourself up and stop being crazy. She's crazy too. But for reals, I really want to get my life back in order."

"Maybe I can talk to him, I'll tell you if I need any help."


I push him under water as I laugh. I can suddenly feel him tug me under water. My eyes are open in the goggles I wear and the crystals glow in a cool light. Marshall leans in and kisses me. I laugh in the middle as air bubbles go flying up as I swim up to the surface.

Marshall comes up along with me and we swim to the shore. I sit and Marshall sits next to me.

"That was a crazy few days, or day I guess. I can't believe time stopped," Marshall pulls me into him.

"The last talk I had with MagicWoman was weird. I was mad at her but I wanted her to be happy too. She's weird, but so is Mahjong," I laugh.

"I just don't want any interruptions in out relationship. It's really annoying. I just want you in my life."

"I just want you too."

He leans in and kisses me with his cold lips for a second and pulls away. He goes back into the water. I follow him in.

Things keep happening. One event after another. It was my birthday only a few days ago or a week. I hardly even remember.

"What did you get me for my birthday Marshall?" I ask as he comes up to the surface.

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