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I wake up to the noise of someone talking downstairs. The voices are muffled at first. I roll out of the blankets I was in and rub my eyes. I sit on the side of the bed and hear something break downstairs.

"HOW DARE YOU TELL HER!!!" I hear someone scream as more things break.

I rush to the stairs and look at the scene. I see Max getting up from the floor and Marshall is at the door glaring down at him. Something catches my eye and I see someone out the window. I rub my eyes and look closer. I see Sakura, Rowan, Gumball, and Muse outside.

I watch as they rush to the house but stay outside knowing they probably shouldn't come in.

"You should have told her instead of me," Max says as he wipes his shoulder that seems to be bleeding.

"Well maybe I was going to!" Marshall yells as he get's closer to Max plating his feet on the ground.

"WERE YOU REALLY!?! SHE DESERVED TO KNOW!" Max yells as he shoves Marshall making him land against the door knocking over the mini table.

"SHUT UP!" Marshall clenches his fists, his eyes turning blood red.

"Shut up both of you," I interfere out of the mist of silence.

I walk down the stairs. I first look at Max and quietly mouth to him, 'Thank you. It's okay.' I then continue to walk forward to Marshall. I look up to him as he tries to approach me. I put my hand up to stop him.

"Unless Max left out something, I don't really understand what's wrong. I'm hurt that you didn't tell me first though. The story does show that you and Sakura are basically meant to be together though. Maybe you guys should be together. We should take a break Marshall," I feel like I'm going to die.

I walk outside before he can say anything. Muse catches up to me as I storm by them, tears filling my eyes. Muse walks by my left and Gumball is by my right. They keep their pace up with me.

"I want to go home," I tell them as we head towards the teleportation place.


I wake up to two people talking again. Not this again. I go down the ladder a little and watch whatever is going on.

"Just let me see her Cake," Marshall pleads.

"For the millionth time, no," Cake gives him a look.

"Do you not know how much I want to punch you right now?"

"She doesn't want to see you,"

"Fine. Tell her I'll be at the beach at 7:00 and if she still has any feelings left for me she should come..."

"Just go Marshall."

He sighs as he grabs his umbrella and leaves the house. I don't want to go, but I should. I miss him already. I just want to get to the bottom of this whole mess.

I run upstairs and pretend I'm just waking up. Cake comes up and hugs me when she sees me.

"Hey Sweetie, when did you get up? How are you after everything?" She asks smiling as we release our hug.

"I'm doing great. I just woke up. Who was at the door that just left? Or did Muse or someone just come in?" I lie.

"Gumball just left some flowers."

"I think I want to go out today and just hang out if that's okay. You know, explore the forest and see if anyone needs help. I just want to clear my head."

"You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. How about you go hang out with Lord M. I might stay the night with Muse."

"You sure? I don't want you to be alone..."

"I'm sure Cake, go have fun."

I'm surprised when she kisses me on the forehead. She goes over to where she sleeps and grabs her white bow and rushed out the door. I go down stairs and grab some ice cream.

I sit down on the floor and start eating ice cream as I'm met with BMO.

"Who wants to play video games?" BMO holds her controller up and walks over to me.

I nod my head and smile.


Triplez update boiii

Shoutout to


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