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Fionna's POV

"Marshall... why are we here?" I ask.

Marshall's holding me in his arms half way and looking into my eyes. He feels oddly warm but it doesn't matter. My heart is pounding with love for him. I come up to his face and kiss his cheek softly.

Gumball's POV

Fionna comes up to my face and kisses me lightly. It feels nice and warm. She slowly starts standing up, looking around curiously.

"What are we doing here? My brain is all fuzzy. Last thing I remember was running here with Gumball." Fionna says.

I think for a moment. I try to think about the style f Marshall.

"Oh that Gumbutt? He went off and I came to pick you up. When I came in I found you on the floor, you must have done something with one of his potions or... whatever." I say casually.

I wonder how long this will last. how long I get to be with her. Probably just a little. Ill just keep doing this. The weird thing is I don't sense that idiot Marshall anywhere near here. better stay near the Candy Kingdom.

"Let's go adventure Marshy." she says hugging my tightly.

Fionna's POV

As I hug Marshy he feels warm... It doesn't make any sense. I almost feel a heartbeat too... maybe it was my imagination.

"Uh let's go to Gumball's room." Marshall says taking my hand. "Uh... you mean Gumbutt, right? That's what you usually say." "Oh yeah, let's go raid his room." He says strangely.

He randomly starts pulling my up to Gumball's room. When we finally get there he sits my on the side of the bed. He starts scooting closer an closer to me. The closer he gets the more I blush.

Once he gets right next to me he takes my hands in his and pulls me towards him. He starts kissing me with his... warm... lips. I put my arms around him and pull him closer. This feels so right, but somewhat wrong also... As he gets closer still kissing me the world starts going out, like all the lights fading out, darkness falling...

Gumball's POV

As I get closer I can feel Fionna falling. I open my eyes still holding on to her and she has blacked out. I try picking her up but I can't. So I tug her down to the lab knowing that's the lat place she'll remember being. She's sitting on the ground and I know I'll have to think of a plan of what to tell her. Oh I've got it! I'm so smart.

Fionna's POV

I starts waking up to see Gumball leaning over me.

"Fionna! Fionna? Can you hear me?" I hear Gumball repeating. "Gumball?" I question as I wake up. "What happened, what happened with the health potion?" I ask. "You fell unconscious for a little while. I'm really sorry Fionna. I can't believe it didn't work. I hope your okay with trying it again next time. It's okay if your not." Gumball says nicely. "Oh yeah... it's okay. I will do it again." I say standing up. "Where's Marshall?" "Well I'm guessing at home." "Okay, thanks Gummy. I'll see you later but I really have to go." "Okay Fionna. again I'm really sorry." I hear him say as I start heading out of the Candy Kingdom.

My head feels funny. I had a weird dream with Gumball. All I remember is us kissing a whole bunch. Does that mean something? Are me and Marshall not meant to be? This is all just to weird for me.

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