Speechless Stars

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I wipe my eyes and my game suddenly pauses. I shake my head and something flashes on the screen. I look closely and wipe my eyes.


"Time to go! Time to go! Time to go!" BMO shouts and finally stops.

"I just wanna stay here..." I groan as I lay down under my blanket.

"Time to go!" BMO shouts in my ear.

"Fine!" I flip over the covers and storm up the ladder. I quickly change and grab a towel.

I storm outside and wrap myself in my towel as I make my way to the beach.


I find myself at the beach and look right to see darkness falling. I look left and see something glowing not too far from where I am. I plop my bare feet into the sand and make my way over to the glow.

I get close enough to the glow and see someone sitting down. I see them look up and stand up as I get closer. I walk closer and see Marshall in the light on the opposite side of the small fire contained by something covering it.

"Hi," I greet softly, staying to my side of the fire.

"I'm glad Cake told you. I-" Marshall starts as he starts floating around towards me.

I put my hand up in front of him and he puts his feet to the ground and looks at me, "Cake never told me. I only came because I woke up and heard you talking to her. Don't give me the junk speech. Just tell me what I want to know..."

He nods and sits on the beach once again. I sit where I am not getting any closer to him. I look over a few times and he's staring at the stars that are coming out from above.

"I love you okay?" He asks as he continues to look upwards.

"You don't seem like it. You're all over Sakura," I snap silently.

"She's really sorry about that. She didn't know about us being something, so there was nothing really stopping her. She's a really nice girl and last time I knew she's not a flirt."

"You aren't helping."

Silent again. I sigh and hear him too. I hear the tide clashing against the beach softly as if waiting for soemthing to happen.

"I'm really sorry Fionna," A voice approaches.

I watch as she sits down near me and looks at me. Her shining hair is glimmering with the fire. I see a genuine smile cross her lips.

"I-I just missed Marshall I guess. After I learned the truth I still hated him for being there with her. Max had told me. I went and found him and we talked. He told me about what Marshall had become..." She pauses. I watch as her stare moves to Marshall and he nods, "He had gone basically ballistic.

Apparently it had start slowly. Soon enough he seemed to be doing it all the time. Half of me wanted to see him, but half of me didn't. It was my fault for breaking his heart and not letting him have any say in it whatsoever. I should have listened to what he had to say.

I decided that I would just ignore him. I was mad anyways, at what he had become.

I guess after all the hundreds of years, a spark just lit.

When I heard you two were together my feelings just got tangled. I felt sad that he was with someone else. I was mad that I didn't get to be with him. And worse yet, I was envious. I was so jealous that you got to be the one he finally got set on. All those years back it was me. All those years back, I made the big mistake of leaving him for something stupid...

You shouldn't fell bad though. He was truly meant to be yours. I don't want to be the reason that Marshall goes crazy again. I want you to be happy, with him. I want him to be happy too.

I'm gonna go now. Please stay with him Fi. You're the one he's chosen, and I'm happy."

With that she leaves me speechless. She disappears into the woods leaving Marshall and I together.


EnDead it short XP Hmmm

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~JOE OUT!!!~

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