Chapter 33

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If you haven't seen The Expelled Movie starring Cameron Dallas here is a link where you can watch it for FREE I'm sorry i can't let go of Taylor just yet! Big shout out to @cheyannechadwick I think I spelled that right. I opened Wattpad and had 20 notifications so thank you. If you have not GO READ L.A it's about a girl that gets bullied then moves and becomes internet famous. Start at chapter four because the rest is rubbish. British word. READ UNTIL THE LAST LETTER OF THE END NOTE!!!

Jack's P.O.V

It was the next mourning. I woke up with tears in my eyes. The nurse stood above me again. "Don't tell me she is dead" I said. "No. There is something different." she said. I stood up and followed her to a room. Other doctors stood and talked in there. "Dr. Brennan can you show Jack what has happened with Taylor" what happened? Is she okay? Dr. Brennan lead me to a table with X rays on it. "Yesterday Taylor's body reacted differently to the antibiotics, and that is why she couldn't breathe. She was put into a coma. There is no say of when she will wake up or if she will, but something strange has happened" she looked at me like she was asking permission to tell me. I nodded. "The coma is doing something different. Like we estimated she would die today, we were wrong. She is fighting back. The coma is slowly healing her body" she said. I felt a tingly feeling inside me. She is going to be okay! "That doesn't mean she will live for sure" she calmed me down. "Thank you" I said and walked out. I was lead to Taylor's room to see Bri sitting beside her bed. She had a small smile with tears in her eyes. "I wish I never left" she said. I pulled up a chair beside her. "Bri, you should go home, be with Nash or get some rest. I'll stay here" she hesitated for a second but then smiled lightly. She got up and left. I held Taylor's hand and looked at her face. "Hang in there" I said. I sat back in my seat and just stared at her. Her face was so beautiful. I heard shuffling behind me and turned around to see a guy. He looked like a doctor. But he didn't have a badge. He got out a syringe and was about to insert it into Taylor's tube thingy. "What is that" I asked. He didn't answer. He just fiddled with it nervously. "What are you doing?" I yelled. I punched him in the face and he fell to the ground. The same nurse as before came in. Her expression was mixed. She shuffled over to Taylor's side and picked up the syringe. She looked at it then looked up at me. "You just saved her life" she said. I did? The police rushed in and dragged the man out. Wait. Who would want to kill Taylor? They all left and I sat there. Bri walked in. "Can I see her for a bit. Alone?" She said. i nodded and left.

Bri's P.O.V

I sat down as Jack left. I held Taylor's cold hand. "I wish mom never left" I said. "And if dad was here, he wouldn't leave your side" a tear rolled down my cheek. "I know your in pain and it must be awful. No one would want to suffer the way you are. No one has suffered as much as you can. Your strong, you are a warrior that has won many battles, but not all of them will be a victory" I said. I moved closer to her. "I want to let you know..." I sobbed. "That it's okay if you go" "I know the pain you would go through if you held on any longer. You have won all the battles, but maybe not the war" I cried and cried. I couldn't hold it in. "Taylor I love you. I wish I hadn't stayed in North Carolina. I want what is best for you" I said and walked out.

Jack's P.O.V

Her eyes started to open. "Jack" she said. Oh my god she woke up. "I'm here" I said. "Tell them to take me off life support" she said. "No" I replied. "Jack you have to" she said. "No I won't" I replied. "Jack. The pain is too much" she groaned like someone stabbed her. "No" I said. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. A nurse rushed in. "Please" she pleaded. Her eyes were different. They were filled with pain and sorrow. "Do it for me" she said. I looked back at the nurse and nodded. "I'll tell family and friend to come in and say their goodbyes. I cried silently and she moved her hand up to wipe them. "I will always be with you" she said. "In your mind" he pointed to my head. "That is so sappy" I said. "I'm going to miss you" I cried. "I will never forget you" I kissed her for the last time. "Put a good word in with the big man for me" I said before I left. She showed a small smile. "I- love you" I said. Nicole passed me on the way out

Nicole's P.O.V

I sat down beside Taylor. "You are my best friend" I said. "My only friend" "I love you" she smiled. I hugged her. "I don't want you to go" tears ran down my cheeks. "But I understand you have to, I... I'm just not ready yet" "Nicole. If I could stay I would. And your place is down here. Mine isn't." her voice was quiet and weak. "I love you" I smiled back. Bri walked in and I decided to leave.

Bri's P.O.V

I sat down beside her. "All I can say is I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being the sister I should've been. I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me most. I'm sorry for being selfish. I'm sorry for all of this" I said. "I forgive you" she said. "And Bri. I love you. I couldn't have asked for anyone better and when everyone else lost faith you didn't" her voice was weak. I hugged her tight. "I'll miss you" she said. The nurse came in and asked if she was ready. Taylor nodded. The nurse put a mask around her mouth and Taylor laid there until her eyes shut.

Jack's P.O.V

I was standing beside Bri at Taylor's funeral. It was my turn to say my speech I had written. I stood in front of the crowd. I took one look at my paper, then crumpled it up and dropped it. "Taylor was an amazing person. Every time I saw her she brought a smile to my face, and no, she was never boring like anyone else. She was always happy and had this amazing sense of humor." As I started to speak all the memories re played in my head. And tears rolled down my cheek. "The first time I met Taylor I could tell she was special. She was different than anyone else. You know how they say there are a lot of fish in the sea? Taylor wasn't just one of the 'fish' she was better than a fish. And no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't forget her. We went through the ups and downs together and we got through it. I once told her that I regretted ever being with her, that was the biggest mistake of my life. And for that I will never forgive myself. She was beautiful and strong. In fact the the definition of Beauty was Taylor. The world lost an amazing person, yet heaven gained a beautiful Angel" I finished. I walked back to where I stood before. "That was beautiful" she said. I looked down. While everyone was leaving I walked up to the open casket. I looked at Taylor and cried. "I thought you would want this with you" I said. I placed her dad's uniform hat on top of her body. "I have and will forever, love you"

Heyyy! IT ISN'T OVER YET THE STORY STILL CONTINUES!!! And if you skip this note, you will miss it. I honestly cried writing that and I just wrote what came to mind. I really like writing. Okay I will be releasing the sequel to this book called Jack Johnson Imperfect
I don't know when I will write it but I will and I will update a note on here saying the information. It was hard for me to end this because you guys have been so supportive and I want to thank you. I'm so happy I didn't delete this book.
Love always
- FanXOfictions

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