Chapter 26

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Hello my lovely french fries. At the moment i am in a hotel in North Carolina and can't sleep so i decided to finish this chapter. IF you like One Direction go read my Niall Horan fan fiction and if you don't but you know someone that does, please suggest it. Okay on with the chapter


The past few years i have been doing better. Bri is still with Nash and recovered perfectly. I'm still with Jack. Brent and Arianna moved in. And i think Hayliegh and i made up. But i still feel like something is wrong. Being 21 and not in university SUCKS. Okay let's get to the point. I sat at my table sipping from a cup of coffe. I just sat there staring out the window. My mom never came back when she left three years ago. She never came back. I decided to get up and do something. I walked past the front door to get upstairs when i stepped on something. It was paper. I looked down and saw an envalope. I picked it up and across the front it was stamped Stanford. I quickly tore it open and read through it. I screamed on the spot. I get an audition! I get to proove that i'm good enough. YES! I read through it once again but this time more carefuly. The audition is tomorow. Tomorow! Digi tour is the day after. I will have enough time I guess.
The Next Day
I was sitting behind stage, waiting to go next. Stanford has an AMAZING music program. A person came to tell me it was my turn. I didn't want to tell Jack about this because I was afraid he wouldn't 'approve'. I walked to the piano and sat down. I placed my fingers on the keys and swallowed. Every time i swallow it feels like i'm gulping rocks. I started to play Warrior by Demi Lovoto.
......... And you will never hurt me again.
I finished. The judges or 'profesers' or whatever they're called just sat there like statues. I decided to walk off the stage.

Hours later

I can't stop thinking about the audition. That's when Jack walked through the door. He walked to me "hey babe" smiled and gave me a big hug. I hugged back, but one single tear rolled down my cheek. I quickly wiped it an put a smile on my face. "You ready for DigiTour?" he asked. "Uh. Yeah i think so" i replied. "Uh mabye do you want to shoot some hoops?" he asked. "sure" i smiled. We walked out to my driveway, where my net was. I got a ball from the garage. I took it out and started to dribble. Jack was covering me tight. That's when i saw the opertunity to get by him and i imidiatley took it. I ducked under his arms on him right side and went for a lay up. It went in the net. It went in the net! Jack supposevly has this thing were he 'never' misses, but i've seen him miss MILLIONS of times.

The next day

We just got to the hotel we were staying in for DigiTour. Arianna helped me carry things to my room while Jack and Brent talked. "How long have you been Bri's friend?" i asked. "Oh... I first met her in junior year at North Carolina" she said. "Fun" i replied.

Later the next day.

Jack has gotten a bit more friendly lateley if you know what i mean. I was standing off stage watching Jack and Jack perform Doing It Right when my stomach started to hurt. It hasn't hurt like this for a while. Suddenly i felt my throat tighten and i ran to the garbage. That's when i puked up my lunch. Every so often Jack looks at me to see if i'm still there. "I have to go" i mouthed and left back to our room. After they were done performing we went out to The Olive Garden for dinner. It was luckily right beside our hotel. Once we got there and sat down and talked for a while i felt the same feeling in my stomach. I ran outside to the trash can in the parking lot. I once again puked. Jack rushed out to me once i was finished. "Taylor. Are you okay? That's the third time you have barfed today" he said. "Yeah... I'm fine" i was bent over while leaning on my knees for support. "You don't think it's...." he started. "it's?" i asked. "Well... Morning sickness is a side effect. You don't think that..." my eyes widened as he talked. He was right. But i couldn't take care of a child. I'm too irisponsable. I can't even take care of myself. Tears filled my eyes. But we have to know for sure. I ran to the drug store which was just beside The Olive Garden. I grabbed three pregnancy tests just to make sure. I ran back to the hotel and into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me. I did it and i had to wait for 15 minutes. I sat on the floor and cried. I can't handle the pressure. The timer went off and i reached for the tests. I started to cry more. It was positive.

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