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Hello pupils! I am on a train to Washington D.C! Happy Thanksgiving I hope the holidays are good for you. If your wondering I am writing Chapter 30 as we speak. Quick note, Hailey is going to be back. I am feeling kind of pressured into writing it and I'm SO sorry I haven't updated it yet. I have also had writers block until the great and amazing Bri helped me. Love you girl! Oh funny story. A few minutes ago a man walked up to me and asked for my autograph so I was like okay? But it felt nice! I am getting a YouTube channel and I will be posting covers after a while. I'll let you know my account name. I am going to be doing this when I get back home tho. I will also be shoving pie/cake in my friends face for a friend tag video. Happy Holidays
Love always
- FanXOfictionsXO

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