Chapter 31

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Hey! I'm in a sad mood again because whenever I'm on Vine I watch these edits and a lot of them have sad music so I started to listen to it and so on. It makes me really sad that I will never meet my idols. If you want go follow me on Twitter @Michelle4937 Thank you to all of you that have read L.A I have been working very hard on it and if you want to go read it start from chapter four because everything before that is boring.
I am SO sorry and feel terrible because I haven't updated in a while. I am crying at the moment because I was on YouTube watching old videos of the Old MAGCON and I miss it so much. Here is chapter 31. Let's be honest, I'm making it up as I go along so wish me luck.

I was startled and my eyes flung open. I looked around me. I was lying on the porch. What happened? And why am I out here. "Taylor" I heard Jack's voice. Great. Just the person I wanted to see. "Get away from me" I said and struggled to get up. "Taylor I'm sorry" he pleaded. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I was stupid" he said. "She tried to kill me! You took her side and broke my heart. What else do you want?" I asked. "You" he said quietly. "Leave" I replied. "No Taylor" he grabbed my arm. I pulled away. "And don't come back" I replied. I opened the door and closed it behind me. I peeked out the window to see Jack with his head on the door. This time was different. I slid down the door and sat on the floor. Something inside of me wants to forgive him. I want to. But I can't. All of the things he did to me won't let me. My head hurt from thinking about it too hard. I just sat there. Maybe I was right before. Maybe death wouldn't be so bad if it came early. I opened the door slowly and looked at Jack. "What's wrong with me" I said and a tear rolled down my cheek. "Nothing is Taylor" he grabbed my hand. "I want to hate you. But it won't let me" I said. "Maybe that's a good thing." He hugged me. "Can I take you somewhere tonight?" He asked. "Mhh" I nodded into his shoulder.
I wasn't sure where we were going so I just wore a black long sleeve crop top with a floral print skirt and white vans. For once I actually felt pretty. I actually felt good. I applied make up and skipped downstairs. Jack stood there. "Hi" I smiled. "Hey" he smiled back. We walked out to his car and I sat in the passenger seat. "Jaaaack" I whinnied. "Where are you taking me?" I asked. "You'll see" he smiled. After about 30 minutes into the car ride he told me to close my eyes. So I shut my eyes and put one hand over them. After what felt like forever he said I could open my eyes. I moved my hand and I gasped. "Jack! How did you afford this?" I asked. "Extra money" he smiled. I stood on a plane. This wasn't like a normal plane in was like... Well... A private jet. "Are we going anywhere specific?" I asked. "Orlando" he smiled. I always loved Orlando. When I was little my family had a condo at Terra Verde in Kissamee just outside of Orlando. We sat down on these seats across from each other and started talking. Some how the topic came up of where everything started. "I always liked you. I just never thought you would like me" I said. "You were always with the cool kids and Brooklyn. I didn't fit in" I said. "But that one time when I was at Starbucks with Tori and you texted me, I got a feeling I had never had before" I said. We kept talking until we arrived at the Airport. Jack made me close my eyes, AGAIN but I agreed. We got into a Taxi and were headed out for food at my FAVOURITE restaurant in all of America, The Olive Garden. When we lived in Toronto our family used to cross the border some nights just to go to The Olive Garden. Once we got there we got a table near these pretty hanging lights near the window. "Jack this is amazing" I took a sip of wine. "It's all for you" he smiled. "Thank you" I smiled and placed my hands on his. "Your different" he said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You have changed In a good way. You used to be afraid of the world and shy, now you are fearless and happy" he said. "Really" I smirked and raised an eyebrow. He laughed and nodded. "Taylor, I love you" he said. "I love you more" I replied with a smile.
It has been a week since we got back from Orlando. I was on my way to Jack's house walking through the BUSY streets. I decided to call Jack. "Hey" I said. "When will you be here" he whinnied. "Soon don't worry." I replied. I got to a corner with a crosswalk thingy. The symbol on the sign turned to a man so I started to walk across as I talked to Jack over the phone. "I love you" he said. I heard screeching from up the road. When I looked up and saw bright lights and my body was forced to the cement causing me to hit my head rough. Everything was black.

Jack's P.O.V

"I love you" I said. Taylor didn't respond. "Taylor? Are you there?" I asked. "Hello?" I finally heard a voice. It wasn't Taylor's. It was an old lady. "Where is Taylor?" I asked with a small laugh. "I'm so sorry" she said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "The phone just appeared. It's like it flew out of no where" she said Tears filled my eyes. I could hear gasps and cars through the phone. "Where are you?" I asked. "44th street Michigan Ave" she replied. I hung up and ran to my car. I drove as fast as I could. Once I got to that street people were standing out of their cars leaving them empty on the road. A lot of people were on the phone and looked Worried. "Taylor?" I yelled. I ran to a small space where no cars were parked. I looked down at Taylor's body on the cement surrounded by a pool of blood. "NO!" I yelled and threw myself to the ground. I held her head and checked for a pulse. There was no pulse. I tried CPR it wouldn't work. The tears kept streaming down my face, making my cheeks hot. I could hear sirens and cars screeching up. I just held Taylor's cold hand. "Over here!" I yelled. Everything was kind of blurry. The medics came over and started rubbing these two electric things and yelled "Clear" they pressed it onto Taylor's chest and there still was no pulse. They did it again. Nothing. As they kept doing it my sobs got heavier. They did it again. Nothing. I let my head fall into my knees and I drowned out all the sounds around me. "She's breathing get her onto a stretcher" a woman said. I looked up with my eyes filled with hope and followed them into the ambulance. "She has a pulse but it isn't very stable" one said. I just stared at her face and held her hand. You can make it. Your strong. I know you can.

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