Chapter two

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(Three weeks later)

I found it kind of odd that jack has been talking to me much more lately. Not that i don't like it but that normally isn't him. I decided to appreciate it and move on. I walked to math class with tori and as usual she was gazing at jamie. "What do you see in him?" i asked. She looked at me with a death glare. I turned away as fast as i could to protect my soul.

I finally arrived at math class and sat down in one of the seats at the back. Tori sat at the front beside brooklyn. I didn't notice at first that i sat beside jack (glinsky). "Oh. Hey" i said being my useual shy self. "Hey. I didn't see you there!" jack replied. "So if you don't mind me asking. What is it like to have a million fans that adore you?" I asked. "It's amazing. They are all so nice and sweet and they are the best fans you can have!" Jack replied loudly.

"EXUSE ME?" mister zinger (the math teacher) said. "Would you like to tell the class what you are talking about jack?" He growled. Jack noded and put his head down. After four miserable periods i had one period of free time. So i went to my most favourite place in the world, the music room. I'm really ever the only one that goes in there. It's just a private place i can play. I walked over to the grand piano in the corner and sat down. I played the song warrior by demi livato and i let everything out.

Jack's (j) POV


I was walking down the hallway to my locker. i dumped my stuff in it and i left. I walked past the music room. Then stopped. Then walked back. I peeked through the window and i could see taylor. I listened to her play for the longest time. She was amazing! I quietly opened the door and slipped in through the back.

I sat down on an old amp and listened. "Hey" I said trying not to frighten her. She turned around quickly just stoping. "How long have you been there?" She asked fixing her long hair. "I don't think your going to like the awnser!" i chuckeled. The bell rang and i walked up to taylor, Grabbed her hand and said "C'mon lets go."

Taylor's POV


I walked to my locker to grab my bag. i walked out of the front door and was instantly poored on. It had been raining like crazy in the past few weeks. Jack walked up beside me. "Let me walk you home!" He said cheerfully. We where half way down our street when we came to a stop. We where just standing there. Drenched in rain. Jack lifted hair out of my eyes and tucked it behind my ear. I looked down because i didn't want him to see me blush. I steped closer to jack and looked up slightly. He leanned in and was about to kiss me. I leanned in too. "Hey guys. Let me help you!" jack (glinsky) said as interupting us. He held an umbrella above out heads getting himself wet. He is so sweet! "Thanks" i said quietly. Jack (g) gave me the biggest smile. "hey jack do you want to come to my house for a while and hang out?" Jack (g) asked. "Sorry i can't i'm hanging out with taylor. Mabye another time?" Jack (j) replied. Jack (g) noded and walked away

. We where outside my house just talking. "Hey do you mind if i get changed out of these wet clothes first?" I asked. "No problem. I better do the same." Jack replied. I walke up to my door and opened it. I dried myself off and went to my room. I put on a grey and turquoise sweater from areopostale, a pair of turquoise converse, A white pair of jean short shorts and i curled my hair slightly. I walked over to jack's house and the rain has finally cleared up! I knocked on the door and his mom awnsered. Jack came running up behind her. "Hey um mom i got it" He said. his mom noded and walked into their kitchen. Jack grabbed my hand and pulled me in. We went down into the basement and my jaw droped in amazement.

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