Chapter 24

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Hello french fries! Okay if you scroll your heartless. You are the best readers i could ever have and you may not think it, but i love you. I'm obsessed with Something Big by Shawn. It's crazy! Okay back to the point. I want to give two special shout outs. They are very special and yeah. Okay the first one goes out to @styleandnerd she is AWESOME!!! Go follow her. LIKE NOW!!! And the second one goes to @icantwriteoz GO READ HER HAYES GRIER FAN FICTION!!!! It is DAMN amazing! Uh oh we got a bad ass over here i said damn. Lol okay GO read my Magcon Imagines you can request whatever the hell you want! Oh and go read my Jack Gilinsky The Imperfectionists thank you. Well i'm going to get to the story.

I sat there. The door creaked open. "Go away Jack" i spat. "No" he said. "exuse me?" i looked up. "I won't" he said. "Taylor, I won't let you stay here. This is your chance to get away from this twisted hell hole." he spoke. He is right. I thought about what j was thinking before. Things like this will happen again. I sighed. "I guess your right" i said. To be honest i HATE saying that. "That's my girl" he smiled. I stopped him. "I'm not yours" i said. He gave me a confused look. "You haven't asked me to be yours AND i haven't agreed" i said all smart ass. Ahhhh i love being a pain in the ass. "Taylor. Will you be mine?" he asked. I could hear my name being mumbled from outside. "Oh well! That's my que i got to go" i smiled. He just stood there. His mouth was wide open. I walked onto the side of the stage and up to the podium. The bright lights stung at first, but i got used to it. I moved the micraphone closer to my face and gulped. I put a smile on my face and started to speak. "I was chosen to give this speech today by god knows who" i started. I got a few laughs from the audience. "Over my years here i have learned and went through alot, like friends, family issues, depression, deaths, first boyfriends, crushes, stress, emergency room trips, almost getting murdured, heart breaks and most of all love." i heard alot of aaaaawwwwweeeee. I smiled. "And after all of that. I still stand here today, at this podium, giving this speech. This school brings alot of memories, some good and some bad, but i will never forget them." i finished. The audience claped loudly. I walked back to my spot and stood beside Jack.
It has been one hour and we are sitting in a limo laughing like crazy. We were going to the unknown place for the party. It was just me, Jack, Marco, Taylor, Jamie, Brooke, Tyler and Maddison. We came to this house. It was empty but clean. We walked in the front door with flashlights. The floors were a nice polished wood. After a while of exploring i heard a strange buzz for a few seconds and then the rooms lit up with the same colour lights that were at the school. It made the room look bueatiful. Jack and i met everyone down stairs in the living room. Music was playing and we were talking. But the second a slow song came on it was silent. Nicole and Marco stood up and started slow dancing. After that it was Jamie and Brooke then followed Maddison and Tyler. Jack and i joined in. I wraped my arms around his neck and he placed his at my waist. He pulled my closer and our for heads touched. "Taylor" he asked. "Yeah?" i softly spoke. "You still haven't awnsered my question" he smiled. "Yes" i smiled back. He pulled me closer to kiss him. We both pulled back slowly. After that we camped in that house for the night. I had a bag with clothes and my converse just in case. I quickly changed into a 5sos shirt and sweat pants. Everyone else ha changed.
After a while everyone else was asleep except for Jack and i. I layed in his arms as i stared at the skylight above us. It was a clear sky and bueatiful. "Jack. I love you" i smiled. "I love you more" he whispered. "It's bueatiful isn't it?" i asked. "Yeah, but it's way better in a plane" he smiled. "I've never been in a plane" i spoke. I never have (true fact). "Tomorow i'm taking you on a plane" he said. "Okay" i whispered.

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