Chapter 20

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Hello peoples. GO READ MY MAGCON IMAGINES BOOK!!! It's new and you can request as many imagines as you want! I had flag football today and really hurt my knee, then i went to lyrical and i sprained it (yes it is possible) it. It hurts ALOT so yeah. Even if you don't care i just wanted someone to tell. Okay on with the chapter. I think this one will be a good one.

Nash's POV

I was sitting in the waiting room chewing at my nails. This can't actually be happening right? To be honest i love Brittany. I never stoped and i was stupid to doubt that. She has to be okay. Jack is sitting on my left. Jhonson is like a brother to me and i know he still REALLY likes Taylor. I feel bad for him. Shawn simply broke up with Taylor because neither of them could handle the preasure. He went on with his tour. I tapped my finger tips on my thigh hoping to pass time. I looked at Jack and he was already looking at me. "Nash, what if she doesn't make it?" he asked. "She will. I promise you" i said. Actually i didn't know if she would make it. It looked pretty bad.

Taylor's POV

I opened my eyes and sat up. The same nurse as before was sitting on a stool beside my bed. "Hello" she smiled. I waved aquardly. "We can let you go today, but you will need to come back every week to get your stiches examined." she smiled. Okay. I noded slowly. I felt like i couldn't talk. Like i wasn't aloud to. "Well, i'll let you get changed." he said. She stood up and opened the door. She stopped and looked at me. "Try not to come here any more than you have to, your a good kid and i would hate to see you go. Again." she smiled. I noded as a smile grew across my face. I had this grey plastic walking cast on my leg. Tori had one once. Before the thing. I pulled myself off the bed and looked in the mirrior at myself. I had a small cut above my eyebrow and below my bottom lip on my right side. I slipped the cast off for two seconds to put my skinny jeans on. After that i crossed my arms and pulled my shirt over my head showing my black sports bra. There was a big mark just beside my belly button and it was stitched up. Well i guess i know how Cameron felt. I changed into a white spagehtti strap top and a pink thin sweater with white stripes. I carefuly braided my hair to the side and sighed. What would my dad think of me? I put my cast back on and limped my way out of the room. I pulled my way through a series of hallways. It was kind of like a maze to me. I saw a sign that said waiting room -> i walked until i hit a corned. I stood there for a second and re gained my breath. I had my lower arms around the corner. That's when i saw him

Jack's POV

"Exuse me" a nurse tapped on my shoulder. I looked up at her. "I think you should go home and take a shower or sleep. You haven't for three days." she said. "I'm not leaving until Taylor can leave by my side" i said. She smiled a bit, but walked away. My right leg bounced against the carpeted floor while i looked at Nash. I couldn't help myself. I have never seen him like this before. All i can think about is Taylor. I can't believe what i did to her when jelousy took over me. How the hell could i think she would do something like that. And now she might die hating my gut. I can't live with that. I heard a small groan from the corner of the room. I didn't bother to look up. I just want to see taylor. That's when i heard a thump. I stood up and jerked my head to the direction it came from. There were people surrounding something at the mouth of the hallway. I heard mostly gasps. I decided to check what it was. I pushed my way through the crowd to see her. No. This can't be happening. Taylor layed there. A pool of blood layed underneath her. There was a dark red blood stain on her sweater were her belly button would be. "Taylor" i amlost shouted. She was breathing. I could see her chest slowly moving up and down. But it got slower by the second. I threw myself at her and picked her up bridal style. Nurses and doctors were directing me where to go. I sped my way to an operating room. I set her down on a metal table and i was escorted out of the room. I didn't realize the blood on my shirt and hands until minutes later. Nash tried to help me through it but it wouldn't work. I just sat there. I was in shock. I didn't talk or move. Suddenly Taylor came up to me. "Taylor?!" i asked. She gestured for me to put my hands out, so i did. She placed something in them and folded my fingers over them. I opened my hand and saw surgen siscors. "What do you want me to do with these?" i asked. I could feel the tears coming on. She closed my hand so i had a good grip on them. The sharp piece was pointed towards her. She pulled my hands towards her stomach and the sharp part went through her skin. I started crying. "Taylor! Taylor!" i yelled. She pushed it further and further into her flesh. The blood came pouring out. Her shirt was stained red. She fell and i fell beside her. I put my fingers on the side of her neck and i didn't feel a paulse. I cried harder. "Just take me with you" i sobed. "Just take me with you" i whispered and fell onto the ground beside her. I held her hand until it ended. "Jack... JACK" i heard Nash's voice. He shook me but i didn't open my eyes. I just wanted to be with her. I felt him flick me in the temple and i flung my eyes open. I was breathing heavily. "Where is Taylor?!" i yelled. "She is where she was before, in her room. You fell asleep" he said. "Thank god" i sighed. I placed my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands.

Taylor's POV

I took deep breaths, trying not to colapse. I closed my eyes then opened them. "Jack" i tried to speak but i couldn't. "Jack!" i tried yelling but it sounded like a whisper. He looked terrible. It reminded me of Caleb. His face was pressed into his hands. Nash looked up at me and gave me a broken smile. His blue eyes lit up slightly. He probably thought i was Bri or something. Bri. She has to be okay. He ran up to me and gave me a big bear hug. The pain tingled through out my body. I didn't say anything though. He is pretty much a brother to me. "How long has it been?" i trembled. It still sounded extremely weak. "Three days" he spoke. "How long have you been here?" i asked. "Three days" he repeated himself. "You staye here for three days? Why?" i asked. "Because i wanted to be 100% sure you were okay." he said. I gave him a broken smile. I looked over his shoulder to see Jack. He was sitting in the same position as before. Nash turned around and looked at him. "JHONSON!" he yelled. "What the fuck do you wa-" he started. He looked at me. He pretty much froze. I just stood there. He wasn't the Jack who had revenge sex a while ago, he was diffrent. I could see it in his eyes. Tears filled my eyes and i tried blinking them away. After a 32 hour stare off he ran up to me, picked me up by my thighs and spun me. Okay, this hurt ALOT! I squealed a little. He set me down. His lips pressed against mine un expectedly. This is too fast for me. I honestly don't care, mabye it's what i need at the time. His hands migrated to my face to pull me closer. We both pulled back. "Your okay" tears filled his eyes. They were both happy and sad. "Mrs. Crest" i heard a doctor. I turned around. "Brittany is out of surgery now, you can see her if you like." he said. I bit my lip then noded. Jack laced his fingers with mine while i limped down the hall. We got to room 132. I hesitated to open the door at first. Only i was aloud to go in. I opened it and walked in. She layed there. She looked so peaceful.

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