Chapter 21

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I took two steps before stoping. "She is in a coma" i heard a voice from behind me. "There is no way if saying when she will snap out of it." Another voice spoke. "I... I can't" i said. I turned around and ran as fast as i could with the cast. It wasn't fast at all. I fell into Jack's arms. I can't bare to see her like that. Nash just stood there. After a while he walked into the room. Jack held me tight. This was the first time in a while.

Nash's POV

I stood there. I felt terrible. I walked in slowly and closed the door behind me. I sat down in a small chair beside the bed. "I'm sorry" i said. "I'm sorry for what i did, i'm sorry for her, i'm sorry this happened to you." i started to cry. I can't look at her, but i do. Her face is all beaten up. I slowly moved my hand to fit into hers. It was still warm. Her nails were painted a bright pink. I forced a crooked smile. "I'm sorry, i have to go" i said. I could hear Taylor's cast hit the floor behind me. She place her hand on my shoulder and sniffled. "C'mon" she spoke. Her voice was quiet but shakey. I walked out of the room.

Taylor's POV
*Two days later*

I sat on the bus while listening to Sleeping At Last by North. Bri still hadn't opened her eyes yet. My bag sat beside me. I had a few people come up and ask about everything but every time someone spoke i turned it up louder. I finally arrived at school and went to my locker. I punche in my combo and it swung open. This is my last year here. I can finally get away.The locker door slammed open beside me. I jerked my head in the direction of it. There was a girl standing there. She looked pretty. She had long turqouise hair with black tips, she had nice brown eyes, not much make up was applied and she was short like i am. She looked at me then smiled. "Hey" she said perkily. "I'm Nicolette. Shana" (sorry if i got it wrong). I noded. "Taylor Crest" I replied. I wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone. "I know who you are" she said. I looked confused. "What?" i asked. "Your like famous. Jack's bæ right?" she asked. "Uh i don't think i'm famous" i said. "Well you are to everyone that knows Jack" she smiled. I placed my bag in my locker and grabbed my math textbook. "How come i have never seen you here before?" i asked. "Oh i'm new." she smiled. "I just moved from Canada" "cool" i replied. I poped and ear bud in and let the other dangle. I don't really listen in class yet i always pass with an A. I just sketch and listen to music. "What year" i looked up at her. "Senior" she replied. I noded. We walked to math class. I'm suprised she had the same class as myself. I sat in my desk in the back and plopped my text book down. I listened to Time Of Your Life by Green Day. I took out my notepad and started sketching. I started drawing two hands with their fingers laced together. I finished and stare at it. I didn't know what it meant at the time, but like all the others i drew it for a reason. After a while of drawing the bell rang. It was now Chemistry. I sat down and Nicolette sat beside me. "Hey can i call you Nicole?" i asked. "Uh sure" she smiled. This girl is perky. It's a good thing though. "Nicole and Taylor are partners" mr. Wattson spoke. Okay. We had to disect a frog. It layed infront of me but i couldn't do it. I sat there and a tear rolled down my cheek. I can't do it. I can't harm anything else or watch another thing die. I can't. I stood up and ran out of the classroom. I ran down the hallway and passed Jack on the way. He tried to stop me, but i kept running. I made my way to the hospital which was only 3 blocks away and went to Bri's room. Nash was in there. I decided to let him be.

Nash's POV

My fingers once again were laced with Bri's. My tears stained the sheets. "I know i said this before, but Brittany Exavier Crest i love you. I love you so much. It hurts to see you like this. And i know i made mistakes but i can fix them. I can make things better. You just have to fight." I blinked the tears away. I stood up and leanned closer to her. My lips connected with hers for a second. I pulled back and started on my way out. That's when i felt her grip tighten on my hand.

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