Chapter 25

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HEYY FRENCH FRIES! Okay. A person so close to me had to go over seas for like a peace patrol. While he was walking the person infront of him steped on a land mine. He is still alive but in his left hand he only has one real finger and the others have no bones just rods holding them up and he lost both of his legs. So can you please stop for a few moments and thank him. I don't know if you could tell but i REALLY like french fries. There will be a new charecter in this chapter! I'm really excited for it. She is SSSSSSSOOOOOO nice and i hope you guys like her. This chapter is like three pages long i'm so sorry for that.

Bri's POV

I am actually strong enough to leave today. I only want to leave by Nash's side. Only Nash. I was on my mack book air while i remembered something. It's the reason we crashed. It's the reason i'm here. I can't believe i almost told Taylor the secret our family has kept from her for years. The second we crashed i almost screamed it. I can't believe myself, i would tell her after all we have been through, but i can't. She is too un stable. It will have to wait. I closed my mack book when Nash walked in. "Hello bueatiful" he smiled. "Hi" i chirped. "You ready to leave?" He asked. "Ugh. I guess." i replied. He helped me out of the hospital bed and onto my feet. The ground was cold on my feet. I got dizzy when i stood up and i couldn't carry my weight. I would've colapsed to my knees, but Nash cought me. He sat me down in a wheel chair and he rolled me out the door. I got a text from my cousin Arianna (A=Arianna B=Bri)




B: Really? That's awesome!

A: Yeah ikr. I can't wait!

B: When are you coming?

A: In about two years

B: That's a LONG time away

A: I know :'( But at least i am!

B: Yeah! Just one thing

A: Yeah what is it?

B: Taylor still doesn't know i'm plan on her not knowing.

A: That doesn't seem right but it's not my buisness

B: I g2g bye

A: Bye

"Who was that?" Nash asked. "Oh just my cousin" i replied. He noded.
We were in the car on the way to my house when i realized something. "Nash can you stop for a second?" i asked. "Uh... Sure?" he replied. The car pulled over and i struggled to get to the front door without my wheel chair. I knocked slightly. The door opened and there stood Jack (g). "Hey babe" he said. "Jack i NEED to talk to you" i spoke. He let me in and i sat down. "Jack listen. This is really hard for me to tell you but i don't have feelings for you anymore. I just can't continue with our relationship. I'm sorry" i felt horrible. He will hate me. He didn't speak. "Jack" i said. Again he didn't speak. I decided to go. Once i was at the door i heard my name. "Bri" i looked at Jack. "That isn't the real reason is it?" he asked. I looked down and bit my lip. "Goodbye Brittany" he spoke. I walked out and took a deep breath. I walked back to Nash in the car. We drove back to my house and i sat on the couch. Tonight is Taylor's grad. "Nash, babe what time is it?" i asked. "7:30 p.m." he replied. Nash can you drive me to Taylor's school?" i asked. "Yeah of course." he replied. We got in the car and drove to the high school. We made it into the back of the crowd. She looked at me and a crooked smile appeared on her face. I waved. Maddison Garchetti one of Taylor's friends just got called up. Taylor looked like she was having a panic attack. The next thing i knew she ran off the stage and Jack followed her. I can't bear to watch this.

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