Chapter 18

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I was biting my nails. I asked Shawn to leave because he didn't want to be around me when 'I'm on my period' i have wanted to die for the past year though, mabye this will be a good thing. It is now 9:30. I am sitting in the spare room looking through photo albums. Bri is out with Jack. I could hear something break. It was the window in our front door. I slowly made my way to the bathroom. I locked the door and hid in the cubboard. I dialled Shawn's number. "Hello" he said happily. I couldn't stop crying to talk to him. "Shawn, there is someone in my house trying to kill me and i will die tonight. Just know that... I love you" every word was spaced from the crying. "No. I'm calling the police. HIDE" he yelled. I hung up and stayed in the cubboard. "I know your here" the voice said. I knew who this was. I can't believe she out of all people would want to kill me. That's it. I'm fighting back. I got out of the bathroom and ran across the balcony. There was a flower pot and i got an idea. I picked it up and once i had a clear vision of her i chucked it. It hit her in the back and she fell. "YOU BITCH" she yelled. I tried to run for the front door but i was pulled back by my hair. I screamed on the way down. I grabbed her from behind and threw her down beside me causing her to drop the knife. I kicked it so it was further away on the floor. She grabbed my shirt collar and slammed my upper torso and my head against the floor. The pain was unbearable. I pushed her to the wall roughly and threw her into a small table. She got back up and ran at me. I grabbed the knife without her knowing and shoved it in my boot. She had a lamp in her hand and hit me over the head. It was too much. I slowly fell to the ground.

*three minutes later*

I opened my eyes and saw her infront of me. My hands were tied behind my back. "You just had to have all the attention didn't you?" she said. "When ever you told me something i was there i did all i could, however when ever i told you something it was pushed aside" "Tori how could you?! Your just sick. I'm not the one that deserves to die here" i spat. She laughed. I kicked her across the face and she pulled me to the ground. She was on top of me trying to find the knife on the floor. I kneed her in the stomach and she fell. I pulled myself to the stairs but only made it to the first stepp. She had a handfull of my hair and was shoving my face into the wood. She took my boot off and took the knife. I pushed her but she jsut cut my thigh. It was deep. I groaned in pain. I could hear cars pull up, but i know she couldn't. "Such a shame this face has to go to waste" she said while pressing the knife against my adam's apple. I swallowed but it just dug the knife a slight bit deeper. Suddenly, the door was busted down and men came flowing in. "Don't come closer! I WILL KILL HER!" she faced me to the police men. A tear ran down my cheek. She dug the knife further into my skin and it started to get harder to breathe. I heard the sound of a gun go off. I felt blood on the back of my head. I sat there in shock. I didn't move. Blood was dripping from my neck, thigh and head. "She is dead" i mumbled. A medic walked in and picked me up. He carried me outside and as he carried me down the side walk i saw Shawn. He was crying. I also saw Jack standing beside him. I could tell he was crying too. I was still in shock. Everytime i was asked a question i didn't hear it. He sat me down on the back of the ambulance. They checked me over and stitched the cut on my thigh. I just stared at my stained red jeans. They bandaged my leg and wiped the blood from my neck. I heard a car screech up. It was Bri and Jack. "Oh my god. Oh my god! Let me through!" i could hear her. She pushed her way through and stood infront of me. She hugged me tight and looked me in the eyes. "I'm so sorry this happened to you" i felt her tears drip onto my jeans. I didn't say anything. I wasn't aloud back in our house for a bit because they were 'investigating'. So i had to stay in a hotel with Bri.

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