91. TsukkiYama

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Requested by Entropel 

Clouds covered the sky and threatened to let rain fall. Tsukishima grunted and scooted farther under an overhang. He pulled a packet out of his pocket and slipped a cigarette out. He stuck it in his mouth and shoved the packet away, flicking his lighter quickly. He let out a deep breath, emitting smoke. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall behind him. His hands shook slightly. He rubbed them together and continued smoking. He dug around in his pocket, feeling for money. F*ck...I'll need more cigarettes soon...if they'll hold me off for long...I'll have to find some money fast...He glanced around. I'm too tired to steal any...I'm too tired to work for any...sh*it. He sighed and rubbed his temple. I'll find something...His stomach grumbled. Forgot I have to eat too. Dammit.


Tsukishima looked up, annoyed.

A rugged tan man with a buzzed head hustled over to him and sat down. "You been here a while, yeah?"

"So?" Kei scooted away.

"Well, you need food don't ya?" He grinned and gestured behind himself. "I was gonna go get food from the homeless center, but I saw you sitting all alone here." He slapped Kei's leg. "Come with me!"


"Oh, come on. You've been here for days, I'm sure you're hungry. Do you really wanna eat out of a trash can?" The man frowned.

Tsukishima gagged on the inside. He really didn't want to eat garbage. "Fine." He winced as he stood up.

The man jumped up with him. "Alright!" He put an arm around Tsukishima's shoulders. "I hate going alone. I'm Tanaka--why don't you wanna go to the center?"

"Tch." Kei tried to shake him off, but Tanaka's grip was firm. "I hate being pitied."

"Ah I see." Ryuu poked his chest. "You're afraid of human sentiment!"

"No. I hate being pitied." Tsukishima rolled his eyes.

"Well, they're all really nice and helpful. No one has ever told me they feel bad for me--they just encourage me to do better! Does that make you less afraid?" Tanaka snickered.

"I don't want to talk to people. I want free food because I'm homeless."

"At least say 'thank you.'" Ryuunosuke led them up concrete stairs.

"I'm not that awful." Tsukishima sighed. "They won't try to get me therapy or anything will they?" He stiffened up a bit.

"Hmm," Tanaka patted his shoulder. "Because of the drugs you're hiding with your cigarettes? No, probably not. They can help, but you gotta ask, bro. You only get out what you put in." He ruffled Kei's hair. "They helped me."

"You're still very homeless." Tsukishima grumbled, trying to figure out how Tanaka knew about his stash.

"Correct!" Tanaka laughed loudly and opened a door for them to walk inside. "But no drugs in my system, Baby~I have a job now so I don't have to be homeless forever." He let go of Tsukishima's shoulders.

They walked down a hallway covered in fliers for different organizations. It led to a large room filled with tables and a kitchen opening. One long table in front of the kitchen had volunteers serving food in aprons and gloves. They all seemed happy. Kei scoffed. Several homeless people were eating and chatting quietly, seemingly content. Tanaka took Tsukishima's arm with a chuckle and dragged him up to the food.

"Tanaka! Good to see you, Bro!" A large man grinned and handed them each bowls. "You brought us a friend!"

Ryuunosuke nodded, "Bokuto, this is...wait I don't know your name!" Tanaka shook Kei's shoulders.

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