Yao: 07

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I tried to stifle the sounds of my breathing, back pressed against the wall. I leaned slightly, just able to pick up the sound of voices on the other side of the door.

???: Why is she still here? I hate having the temptation around...

Who was speaking? Was that Francis? It was hard to tell through the thick oak door.

Ivan: She's the Chosen. She has to be.

Arthur: Her 'having' to be and actually being are two different things.

Ivan: I refuse to have someone worthless live in the same house as me.

Feliciano: Easy, Bella has it hard too, you know.

Alfred: It's simple: either she is, or she isn't.

They're talking about the Foretelling...

'The life changing moment, a meeting between vampire and human.'

Francis: What about you, Yao?

I stiffened at the mention of his name. He was in there too?

Yao: What about me?

Francis: Do you think she's the 'one'? Or a mistake?

Yao: Those are the only options, then?

Alfred: What's that supposed to mean?

Arthur: It means he doesn't know.

I never gave it much thought, what Yao thinks of me. Does he think I am, or does he see me as nothing but a waste of time?

Yao: Come out from hiding, _.

I jolted in place, the door opening, revealing me eavesdropping.

I couldn't say anything, couldn't think of an excuse. Wait, why should I be hiding? I should be in that meeting, too!

Yao's brown eyes narrowed, displeased at my thoughts or eavesdropping, I wasn't sure.

Reader: What are you all talking about?

Yao: Don't play games, _. It's clear you know.

Reader: Then why hide it?

Yao: I am not hiding anything.

He hissed.

Reader: Then answer the question.

Yao: What?

He asked incredulously.

Reader: Do you think I'm the so-called "chosen one"?

He frowned, muttering while roughly brushing past me.

Yao: You're a headache, that's what you are.



A] Follow

      B] Leave Him Be

I watched Yao walk down the hallway, rigid yet swift. I knew nothing good would come of asking more questions, yet couldn't quell the rising questions that demanded answers.

Fate's Bite:  A Vampire Hetalia StoryWhere stories live. Discover now