Arthur: 12 (Trigger Warning!)

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Trigger Warning!!




Physical abuse.


I let out a slow exhale before entering the room. Arthur didn't look up from the book he was reading, green eyes focused on the words before him.

Reader: I demand to know what the Chosen is.

Arthur: Why, you're the Chosen.

Reader: So you say, but I don't even know what that means! You all decided I wasn't actually, anyway.

His eyebrow twitched, clearly annoyed with me. He languidly laid the book on the coffee table, turning to face me with stony eyes.

Arthur: I'll tell you.

Reader: Really?

Arthur: As soon as you tell me what that Hunter was about.

Hunter? Does he mean a vampire hunter?

Reader: I didn't know that man was...

Arthur: A Hunter? I'm surprised something as obvious as that escaped you. Then again...

I was too in shock by the man's words to really notice. It makes sense, though. Father needed someone like him to hunt me down. I clenched my fist, Arthur noticing.

He quirked an eyebrow, waiting for me to explain.

It's not that simple! As if something like THAT were easy to talk about...

Perhaps noticing my distress Arthur added,

Arthur: Take your time. I'm not going anywhere.

With my heart pounding I crossed the room, sitting beside him on the couch. Not too close yet not too far away.

Reader: That man, that Hunter, he knew my father.

Arthur: Your father?

I swallowed, a lump in my throat.

Reader: When I was a young girl I'd play with a group of boys. It's funny, they meant so much to me yet I can't remember any of their faces...

Reader: My father, he-

My voice cracked, mouth dry.

Reader: He didn't like playing with them so he-he beat me.

Reader: One day it was really bad...To avoid being thrown in prison he blamed the bruises on the boys and sent me overseas to a boarding school. I wrote the boys letters hoping we could stay in touch but...

Arthur's eyes widened suddenly, as if remembering something.

Reader: I never received a reply.

My voice cracked once more, tears burning their way forward, threatening to spill.

I faked a laugh, hoping to lighten the mood, but it only made me cry harder. I wiped away at the freely falling tears, turning away from him so he wouldn't have to see my face.

He probably thinks I'm pathetic...

That thought alone was enough to send me towards the door, gasping as I felt a strong grip on my wrist. In a moment I was spun around, thrust into Arthur's chest.

I stood in shock, arms limply by my side as he wrapped his strong arms around me.

Arthur: I'm sorry, _. I won't let him anywhere near you, understand?

He lifted my chin, staring into my eyes with a conflicted gaze. He slowly reached up, wiping my tears away gently with a finger.

I was unable to look away from his emerald eyes, captivated. He listened to me, comforted me, helped me beyond measure. What have I done for him? I blinked as he caressed my cheek with his thumb, eyes almost lovingly engrossed in my own.

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