Chapter 38. Entertain

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x Rosie x

Ok so yesterday was a but tense with meeting his mom. She seems like a lovely person, but she managed to set Gray off and he's been a bit tense since. I know they smoothed it over but he's still not acting like himself. We are having a few allied Alpha's coming over. Gray wants to invite them and their partners to our wedding. So, we have to entertain them and his mom and still figure out our wedding plans as well. We haven't gotten any plans set or details except who is maid of honor and best man.

I know we have time to get this all sorted out since we haven't picked a date yet. The Alpha's will be coming by this afternoon. I want to ask him what's going on but I also don't want to push him. He's been pacing his office for the last half hour as I just lean against the door watching him. His office isn't big enough for him to be pacing back and forth like this.

Luca has gone downstairs to eat and met Gray's mom a well. Luca seems to have taken to her and is enjoying her company. She's from what I can sense, she is enjoying his as well. I close the door behind me as I watch him. I can't stand watching him do this anymore.

"Gray what is bothering you?" I ask him. I don't want to startle him or making him upset I just want to know how I can help him.

"I love my mom Rosie. I love her dearly. But my father, her mate was rough on us as children. My sisters didn't get it as bad because they were girls. I on the other hand being the eldest and a male, got his stern side and unloving side. He taught me how to be the alpha I am. Yet he never showed me how to love truly, or be caring. I only learned that from the way I saw other mates interact and be. My father was very harsh with me, no matter what I did was good enough. I know I am a better man then he is, but the pain is always with me that I won't be good enough. I know I am but I would have liked to have heard it at least once growing up. He doted on my sisters." He says frustrated as he gets choked up with his emotions.

He finally sits down and places his head into his hands. I walk over to him and sit on his desk. I place a hand on his shoulder. As much as I want to hug him, I don't want to push my luck with him.

"I can imagine that he was hard to live with and be around. Gray, dear, he may not be here but without him being your father you wouldn't be the gentleman that you are. You wouldn't be who you are, the loyal, caring, firm handed Alpha that your pack knows. Nor would you be the caring and sweet guy that I love either. He may have been harsh but you are here and are an amazing Alpha despite what was done." I tell him trying to reassure him.

"I know, I know. He died many years ago from an accident. I jut wish I could have gotten told I was doing right just once. I'm sorry my love. I never wanted my mother coming here to start or be like this at all. She is caring and kind, but she let him be hard on me. Its just a bit strained, I guess. If it wasn't for you, I would probably have spiraled into a place that my pack wouldn't like. I am truly sorry Rosie for this. I want you to get to know her and meet my sisters. But I haven't talked to them in many years." He tells me as he leans his head onto my shoulder.

"Its ok. I understand what you mean ok. I will always be here for you. You are a truly amazing man Gray. Im sure over time it can be healed. Your pack adore you because you aren't harsh or wicked. You are firm and fair. I am proud of the person you are. You are doing a great job. The Alpha's will be here soon enough. We need to get some plans down for our wedding so that things can get started ok. Then if you want to continue to relive the past we can." I tell him as I place my hand on his cheek as he looks into my eyes.

He rolls his eyes at me with a slight smirk. He sighs.

"Alright. Gosh you have a way of saying it that makes me sound and feel like a child Rosie. I don't know how you do it but you did. It isn't a bad thing but I know you mean well. You manage to get me to focus and see things that I wouldn't have seen. Thank you for believing in me. Yeah we need to start getting things in order." He says standing up and standing between my legs.

"Good. Now lets go downstairs. I can sense the Alpha's getting close." I tell him giving him a tight hug. He hugs me with a kiss. His lips are as soft as ever.

He gives my hands a squeeze as he takes a deep breath and lets it out. He seems to be better now and more himself. The Alpha's are close and I know Gray can feel there presence as well. We go downstairs and open the door as they approach. We smile to them and greet them warmly. They smile back and greet us as well. We shake each of there hands. Alpha's McCormick, Neville and Ward are all big guys as well and dressed more business casual.

Which is fine they are Alpha's and want to be presentable on anothers territory, even if we are all allies. Gray and I lead them into the living room and offer refreshments or something to eat. They all politely declined. I however got myself a drink and made sure Gray drank something as well. I get out a plate of hummus, with pita and pickles just in case anyone was hungry. I know Gray will be since he hasn't been eating like normal.

Its simple but Gray at least is eating some of it. We spent the next few hours talking with the Alpha's. Jokes flying and good times with everyone being able to enjoy their time. Gray invited each of them to our wedding and their mates.

We even decided on the date. Oct 31, All Hollow's Eve. Its fitting and its one of my favorite days of the year. Gray smiled when I told him the date. Other then inviting them and their mates, and picking the date of our wedding we didn't get much done for it otherwise. Though its now going to start coming along a lot faster.

It will be talked about right up until that day. I know it will.

I can't wait to start planning more. I'm excited and I know they can all feel it.

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