Part 49

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'Today is the day' Breezie grins, i nod my head, my stomach erupting in butterflies. 'ok so.. hair and make up is at 12 and it will tak around two hours, then we come back here and get you in your dress, get a few photos and the limo will be here at 20 to 3 and therefor gets you there basically in time to walk down the isle' she grins.

I nod my head, 'i can't believe it, the day many girls dream of, and its finally here for me' i giggle softly, shifting Aubree slightly in my arms, looking down at the beautiful half asleep girls, her eyes slowly blinking as she takes in a breath.

'how about you get showering? because we have to leave in half an hour, pass me this beauty' Breezie smiles and i gently give her Aubree before nodding, heading towards the bathroom.

Today is the day i have been waiting for, for many months. And it was finally here. As nervous as i was, i was still so ready to marry the man of my dreams. I couldn't have picked a better man and i was so excited for this.


'you look so stunning, oh my god!' Breezie exclaims, i grin at her, looking at the dress through the mirror. I loved it.

My hair was curled, a few pieces pinned back and my make up was pretty simple. i wanted my dress to be the main focus of today.

'say look mummy! look how beautiful i am!' Wes' mum exclaims, walking into the room with Aubree in her little white dress. I smile, turning and gently taking my beautiful daughter, rocking slightly as i press my lips to her forehead. 'you look so beautiful my little girl' i grin.

'Limo is here!' Breezie exclaims, 'here, could you take Aubree for me?' i ask and breezie nods, taking her as i quickly put my white heels on, i smile when i look at Breezie, the pale blue dress looked beautiful on her. 

'Are we ready?' Wes' mum grins and we both nod, following her out to the limo. The driver smiles, opening the door for us. 'You look lovely' he compliments and i grin, 'thanks' i say before carefully climbing in, Taking Aubree from breezie and strapping her into the baby car seat.

'i can't believe my boy is getting married today' Anna breaths and i smile softly, running a hand over my dress. 'and to such a beautiful, beautiful woman. i couldn't be any happier' she adds and i giggle softly, pressing my lips to her cheek.

'thanks Anna' i mumble, looking over to Breezie as she grins. 'you do look so stunning, Chlo.'


My heart was thumping in my chest as Anna climbed out to go find her seat, the ceremony was set to start on our arrival and as if on cue, music starts to play and my heart goes even faster. 'ready?' Breezie asks, holding Aubree to her chest and i nod.

she winks before stepping out of the car and onto the white board that was set up as the isle. i watch her slowly walk down with everyone looking, smiling on their faces and it makes me smile.

'Someone sticks their hand into the car and i smile, already knowing who it is. I gently take their hand and he helps me out, smiling as i link my arm with him. 'thank you for walking me down' i breath out and Keaton nods.

'Its my pleasure, i wouldn't have you walking down alone.' Keaton states. i chuckle, biting my bottom lip as everyone stands up and we begin to walk.

I look down at our feet before looking up, my heart stopping when i see Wes at the end, his hands clasps together in front of him and the biggest smile on his face. I smile back, unable to stop my lips from quirking up at the silly idiot of a man i was about to marry.

when we reach the end i gently press a kiss to Keats' cheek before he places my hand in Wes'. nodding before stepping over to stand behind Wes.

I know it was weird for Keaton to be the best man but also walk the bride down the isle, but i wouldn't have had it any other way, he was about to be my little brother, and i wouldn't have my own father here. not to ruin my day.

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