Part 30

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*Wesley's POV*

'Wesley, i have a question from a fan for you..' the interviewer trails off, i nod. 'This is from, @Weslovescats and she wants to know, Is Chloe pregnant?' he says.

I smile, letting out a small breath as i lean back against the seat. 'Yeah. She is' i grin, the interviewers eyes widen. 'Really?!' he exclaims, Keaton lets out a soft chuckle as i nod. 'She is, We're expecting' i nod.

'Wow' he breaths, looking down to his papers briefly before he looks back up. 'Are yous engaged?' he questions, 'i mean, there were rumours she was spotted sporting a ring on her left hand, but there were no photos to confirm that' he adds.

'We're engaged' i state, he smiles. 'How exciting, congratulations for being engaged, and for expecting of course' he chuckles, i grin, 'thanks man' i smirk. he nods his head, 'when did you propose?' he asks, 'uh, almost a week ago'.

he nods his head before looking back down to his papers, 'whens the baby due?' he speaks. 'Shes almost 9weeks now, the baby is due in June' i state


'Wesley! over here!' a girl shouts, i smile before walking towards her and her two other friends. 'Hey girls! how are yous?' i question, she shrugs her shoulders. 'We're great! how are you?' she grins, 'im good' i smile softly.

She nods, 'you should so come and to the club tonight! its going to be good! and its also her birthday today' one of the other girls smirks, 'Oh! happy birthday!' i exclaim, giving her a quick hug, she giggles. 'thanks..' the trails off.

I sigh, scratching the back of my neck, 'im not sure if i'd be able to go out, i mean i have a pregnant fiance' at home and i really dont want to leave her by herself..' i frown, all the girls pout back, 'i'm sure she'll be fine for a few hours right?'.

i shrug, 'probably, but its me that doesn't want to leave her alone.. but i'll see. ok?' i question, the girls nod. 'Its the new club that just opened near the beach' she grins, i give her another nod. 'no worries. bye girls' i speak, giving them a wave before heading over to my car.

after 15 minutes i make it home, letting out a sigh of relief as i step through the front door, furrowing my eyebrows when im met with silence. 'Baby?' i call out, locking the door behind me.

i chuck my keys onto the kitchen bench before heading to our bedroom, smiling when i find Chloe asleep, curled up in the middle of the bed.

I gently crawl over to her, making sure not to wake her as i hover above her, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. 'Baby' i whisper, earning a soft groan of complaint from her.

'Go away' she mumbles, pushing my face away with her hand as she digs her head into the pillow. 'get up baby, i'll make you some lunch' i chuckle, she groans once more before turning her head, her eyes meeting mine.

I grin, pressing a kiss to her lips. 'what kind of food?' she questions, i shrug my shoulder, gently resting my right hand on her small bump.

'whatever you want, beautiful..' i trail off, pressing a kiss to her cheek, trailing them down to her neck. 'mm, what do we want baby?' she giggles, placing both of her hands over mine. i lower down to her stomach, lifting her shirt and pressing soft kisses on her baby bump.

'what does my little peanut want?' i mumble against her skin, earning a giggle from Chloe as she runs her fingers through my hair.

'i think something to do with chicken..' she trails off, i smirk, pressing a few more kisses up the middle of her tummy before leaning up to press a kiss to her lips. 'I'll see what i can do, babe' i mumble, pressing my lips harder to hers.

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