Part 31

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*Chloe's POV*

'Just get out!' i shout, pushing Wesley's chest, him stumbling back a few steps before he grabs my wrists. 'No!, Not until we talk about this!' he exclaims, attempting to tug me towards him but i dont give in, keeping my feet glued to where i was standing.

'Get out, Wesley. Get out' i growl, shoving his chest once more, 'Just leave me alone!' i cry, beginning to shove his chest once more. 'Baby, please' he pleads, his eyes locking with mine. I narrow my eyes on him before beginning to weakly punch at his chest, tears streaming down my cheeks.

'I want you out!' i cry, he finally manages to pull me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me and holding me there. I keep attempting to shove him away although it fails.

I whimper, slowly slipping to the ground with Wesley doing the same. He craddles me into his chest, rocking back and forth slowly.

'please. Please just leave me alone' i beg, attempting to get up although Wes stops me once again. 'No.. baby.. we need to talk about this' he states. i shake my head, forcing myself out of his grip. 'No. i dont want to talk about this! i want you to get out!' i snap, Standing to my feet.

He shakes his head, quickly scrambling up to stand once more. 'No. im not going to let you assume i cheated, because-' he begins but i cut in.

'Assume?! Assume?! there is proof, Wesley!' i shout, stomping my feet. 'There is proof that you cheated! you can't deny it simple and i wont take any it was set up bullshit like last time because its clear you were into it as well in the video!' i hiss.

*Wesley's POV*

'please baby just wait' i plead, grabbing onto Chloe's wrist, she yanks it from my grip, glaring at me over her shoulder as she picks her bag up. 'Im leaving' she states, i shake my head, following her through the house. 'Please, its 3am, atleast wait until morning' i say.

'no. I can't be around you.' she almost whispers, grabbing the handle and opening the front door. 'At least let me take you somewhere, please baby.' i beg, she shakes her head. 'I have my own car, Wesley. Just let me go' she growls.

'Please. common your pregnant, you need to take it easy' i say, she shrugs. 'how can i take it easy when my own fiance has cheated on me?!' she exclaims, looking down to her left hand. She squeezes her eyes closed.

My heart drops when she slides the ring off of her finger, ' baby..' i trail off, my voice weakly cracking. She grabs my hand, placing it in my palm and curling my fingers around it. 'Goodbye, Wesley' she says before picking her bag back up and turning on her heel, walking away to her car in the darkness.

I swallow before slamming the door closed, slamming my hands against it in anger. 'Fuck!' i shout, punching the door once more before turning around and storming back towards the room, slamming the bedroom door closed behind me.

This was all my fault, because unlike last time with my ex, i did do it this time, i was stupid enough to cheat on my fiance when i was drunk, and being drunk is no excuse. I royally fucked up.

'Wesley!' someone shouts, i groan when a pillow wacks me across the head. 'What the fuck?!' i exclaim into my pillow before rolling onto my back, spotting an angry Breezie.

'You have some SERIOUS explaining to do!' she shouts, narrowing her eyes on me. 'what?! what do i have to explain to you' i shout back, hopping up from the bed. 'oh, you know exactly what you have to explain' she speaks in a sarcastic sort of tone.

i stare at her blankly, bitting down on my bottom lip before shrugging my shoulders. 'Dont shrug at me! Wesley you cheated on your pregnant fiance! who the fuck are you?!' she yells. I sigh, sitting down on the end of the bed.

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