Part 41

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*Chloe's POV*

Knowing that your very own fiance and father of your baby wasn't even going to be there for her birth, it hurt, it honestly did suck. But, i couldn't be angry at him. I knew that both him and Keaton made it clear they couldn't tour, Yet Pete still did it.

i let out a breath as i finish covering Wes' knuckles, bringing his hand up and pressing a gently kiss to it. His eyes stay trained to my face the whole time although he doesn't say anything.

I frown before lowing his hand, placing it onto my stomach. 'she still loves you' i whisper, biting down on my bottom lip. 'She knows it isn't your fault' i add, his eyes drop down to his hand on my belly, tugging his bottom lip between his teeth.

'i hate him so much' he mumbles as a tear slides down his cheek. 'his taking me away from my own daughters birth. how could he be so heartless?' he cries softly, looking up to me through his tears.

I lean forward, pressing my lips to his forehead, my hands resting on his biceps. 'its going to be ok' i whisper, my lips still pressed to his forehead as i rub my hands up and down his arms.

'It will be ok' i add, squeezing my eyes closed.

*Wesley's POV*

'shes keeping it in, i know she is' i say, sitting down on Keats' lounge. he frowns, 'what do you mean?' he ask, furrowing his eyebrows. 'she hasn't really seemed that fazed about it really, but i know she is.. i can see shes holding it all back' i state.

he sighs, 'shes probably just doing it for you, because you're so worried about it' he shrugs, i narrow my eyes on him slightly. 'of course i am, Keats. this is my first baby, and im going to miss her first few days in this world, no matter how much i try to forget about it i can't. its just sitting there, hurting my heart. i still can't believe he could be that heartless' i sigh.

Keaton just nods, leaning back into the lounge. 'i'll get going, we leave tomorrow' i say, he frowns but nods, standing up as we both walk to the door. 'i'll see you tomorrow, bright and early' he sighs.

i say a quick goodbye before heading to my car, letting out a deep breath and i sink into the seat, leaning my head back for a few seconds before starting up the car and heading home.


'im home baby!' i call out, dropping my keys onto the kitchen bench before walking into the bedroom, Finding Chloe sat on the end of the bed, her eyes locked on the suitcase half packed on the floor.

'babe' i whisper, she looks up, biting her bottom lip before she stands up, giving me a small smile. 'we should finish getting you packed, yeah?' she speaks, turning and walking over to the cupboard, opening a draw and beginning to get a few pairs of underwear out although i walk over, gently taking her hand and pulling her away.

'stop' i whisper, she looks up to me in confusion and i frown. 'stop holding it in' i state, she lets out a breath. I want to take my words back immediantly when her eyes begin to water, her teeth digging almost harshly into her bottom lip.

'you're g-going' she stutters. I pull her into my chest straight away, holding onto her tightly, just as she does as well. 'I know, im sorry. im so sorry' i whisper into her hair, squeezing her even tighter, the feeling of her stomach pushing into mine breaks my heart even more.

we stayed in the same position for ages, My tiny little family huddled together, our little baby girl safe in her mothers stomach, soon to be ready to come out into this world and meet us.

'common' she finally speaks, pulling her head back to look at me. she wipes away her tears before pressing her lips to mine, 'we have to get you packed still' she adds before stepping out of my grip and heading back over to the drawers.

Riptide! (A Wesley Stromberg Fanfiction..)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora