Part 32

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*Wesley's POV*

'I miss you' i sigh into the phone, recieving silence as we both stay quiet, 'And i you..' Chloe finally breaths, 'but' she adds and i frown, i knew it was to easy. 'I need a few days' she finishes. I nod, 'it has been a few days, you know..' i trail off.

Chloe sighs, 'i know, Wesley. but i need more time, ok?' she almost whispers, i nod my head. 'ok. I get it. I'll uh- let you go. I love you' i speak, hanging up the phone before i had to hear her putting off the "i love you" again.

I drop the phone onto the bed before pulling myself up, having the first shower i have had in a few days and getting into clean cloths, shaving the stubble from my chin and brushing my teeth.

I sigh in relief at the fresh feeling before putting on some shoes and grabbing my keys, heading out and hopping into my car.

I take the short drive to the beach, finding a car park before hopping out and heading down onto the sand, taking a seat as i let out a deep breath, breathing in the fresh, salty beach air i had come to miss.

i still hadn't surfed since i got my cast off, except right now, i honestly didn't even feel like doing that.. and that was pretty unusual for me.

'Wesley!' a mans voice shouts. I curse under my breath when i spot paps rushing towards me, cameras already clicking as they take photos.

I hurry up, beginning to walk to my car although they all surround me, shouting questions.

'Wesley! wheres your fiance?!'. 'Is it true your baby died?!'. 'Wesley! Why did you cheat on Chloe?!'.

i stop by my car, turning to them and glaring at them all. 'Why be such an ass hole and cheat on your fiance, ex now' one shouts. 'Fuck you!' i spit, causing them all to roar up even more.

'Was it good enough to lose her?!' another shouts, I ball my fists, turning back towards the car, shoving the key in with shaking hands. 'Was she good enough to ruin your life?!'. I spin around, my fist connecting with the mans jaw.

'Shut the fuck up! all of you!' i yell before turning and getting into my car, slamming the door and taking off as quickly as i could.

*Chloe's POV*

'Chlo' Breezie whispers, my eyes flutter open, looking up into her eyes, my eyebrows furrowing slightly. 'Honey, your going to have to get up, we have to go' she smiles softly, i frown, sitting up slowly. 'What? where are we going..' i trail off, rubbing my eyes.

'Wesley's been arrested' she states, my eyes widen as i stand up, almost falling over but Breezie grabs my arms. 'Easy' she laughs. 'W-what did he do?!' i exclaim, she frowns. 'He uh.. punched a pap..' she sighs.

I roll my eyes. 'Why?' i question, she shrugs. 'no clue, im sure he can tell you.. or do you want to stay here?' she asks, i shake my head. 'no, im going' i speak, slipping into my black jeans, not worrying to put on a bra or jumper, seen as it was 2am.

'You'll get cold' Breezie speaks as we head for the car, 'i'll be fine' i state, slidding into the passenger seat. 'No bra with a singlet, brave lady' she winks, starting her car up, i chuckle softly. 'Im pregnant, people can't judge'.

when we make it to the police station we both rush in, 'Wesley Stromberg' Breezie demands as soon as we reach the front desk. 'Sorry, there are no vi-' the police man begins but Breezie cuts in, 'Its 2am, i have his pregnant girlfriend with me, your not going to refuse us seeing him' she states.

He sighs, 'fine' he speaks before standing up with a ring of keys, motioning for us to follow me. he leads us to the last cell where we spot Wesley, Sitting on the metal bench with his head in his hands. 'Wes' Breezie speaks, His head shoots up immediantly, looking surprised when he spots me.

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