Part 3

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'Wes!' Marcus calls, i lift my head in acknowledge, leaning back into the chair i currently sat in. 'Why aren't you going to Milly's pool party tomorrow?' he questions, i roll my eyes before speaking. 'because i dont feel like it.'

he frowns, 'thats not like you..' he trails off. i quickly shrug my shoulders, 'i just dont feel like it' i state, he huffs, 'fine, fine. whatever.' he speaks, raising his hands in defeat as he takes a seat beside me.

My eyes go back to Chloe, Sitting a few tables over from us with her friend.. Becca?

i can see Marcus looking from her to me a few times before he speaks. 'Why are you staring at.. Her' he speaks, i narrow my eyes on him, 'what do you mean, her?' i question, he shrugs. 'your staring at a nobody..' he trails off furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

'you know.. she may be some "Nobody", but shes still probably one of the prettiest girls in this school, if not the prettiest.' i state. he quickly glances to her before shrugging. 'yea man.. shes hot, but thats not how it goes when your a jock, you couldn't be seen with some school nobody..' he says.

i roll my eyes, 'im so over the whole, Jocks, Cheerleaders, Nobodies, labels. like honestly how juvenile is that' i scoff. his eyes widen as he looks at me. 'thats how this school is Wesley. always has been, just because you think some little nobody is hot, doesn't mean you can change the way this school works.'

'i could try' i pipe up, looking back over to her as she tucks hair behind her ear. he quietly chuckles, shaking his head as he stands up. 'do whatever you want Wesley, but dont expect to be our number one jock is you go for.. that' he speaks motioning over to Chloe.

'is a good fuck really worth losing your reputation?' he questions. i frown as i look up at him, crossing my arms over my chest. 'who the hell said it was just to fuck her?' i ask, he shrugs. 'Please' he begins, 'your Wesley Stromberg. what else would you do? date her?' he laughs before walking off.

*Chloe's POV*

Studying sucks. 100% sucks!

i hate it!

completely hate it!

why does it even exist?

oh right.. because school exists.

where we have to complete assignments, we have to participate in compulsory tests.

what for?

oh. thats right..


honestly, the only good things you learn in school which you'll need majority of the time through life, is how to read and write.

That and of course the basic maths so throughout your life you at least know how to add or subtract.

other then that school is pointless.

honestly if i could have, i would have left school after year 5. by then i knew everything i'd ever need through life to get me through it!

im sure by now.. you can tell i completely despise school.


Pretty much.

My eyes fly over the written science words i had to study for my test on Monday, another weekend to be wasted on studying..

Although its not like i'd be out partying.. because that isn't my thing either in all honesty.

i hate even the idea of partying. What do they even get out of it besides being "cool" or being "popular" at our school. big whoop. is it really that cool to get so drunk you sleep with some complete random and wake up praying you aren't pregnant, or diseased by the 2 sleeping beside you who looked like a 10 when you slept with him?

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