Part 47

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I had abandoned the scene straight away, i had to get away from the paps and from her. I couldn't stand all the flashing cameras in my face while i had just heard something i never wanted to hear.

It's not like i believe her 100%. But no matter how much you tell yourself it isn't true.. you still have that tiny piece of worry in the back of your mind. How do you know your future husband is being completely faithful to you?

You don't.

I'm not accusing Wesley of cheating. But there is the slightest of chances that what Emma had said was true, or that maybe some actions he had taken place in had led her to believe they were getting back together.

Either way, non of it is good.

I finally sit down onto the lounge with my over working brain after finally getting Aubree down for a nap, nearly 2 hours of rocking her, she just wouldn't settle. I tried feeding. Nope. Burping. Nope.

She just wasn't ready to sleep. But finally, the angel was snoozing.

'Hey bells' i whisper softly as the blue jumps up, curling up near my feet that were pulled up onto the lounge. I softly scratch behind her ears before shifting to rest my head down on the pillow, my eyes slowly fluttering closed.

The next time i open my eyes, keys are being dropped onto the coffee table in front of me as Wesley kneels down in front of the couch, smiling softly as he cups my cheek.

'Hey beautiful' he whispers, leaning forward and pressing his lips to my forehead. I lay emotionless, looking into his eyes although i don't speak.

'Tired?' he asks, i just nod. 'Go to bed, baby. its nearly 10pm you know..' he trails off and i frown, realising i had been asleep for 4 hours. 'Aubree?' i question.

'She's out like a light, i'll watch her, get some rest' he says, tilting his head towards the bedroom. 'I'm comfy' i whisper, closing my eyes once again although i soon feel his arms slide underneath me, picking me up bridal style and beginning to walk to the room. Ironic.

I make no attempt to talk the entire time, allowing him to tuck me into the bed, press his lips to my cheek and walk out, turning the light off and closing the door.

And thats when my eyes begin to water. What if this whole thing was just some sick twisted joke? that he didn't really love me at all. Maybe he was only putting up with me because of Aubree. Because i fell pregnant to him, maybe he thinks his trapped here with me?

Maybe i had to give him an out option. If he didn't want to be with me i wasn't going to force him. I don't want to be married to someone who doesn't want to be married to me.

Marriage only works if both people want to be in it, its no one way street. its a both ways street and the two involved have to feel the same...

or it will fail..

*Wesley's POV*

I had woken up to an empty bed, and to be honest, it didn't put me in my normal good mood. Waking up without your girlfriend in bed with you is never a good way for a man to wake up.

I continue to call her phone, frowning again when she doesn't pick up. I had been up for 2 hours nearly and Neither Chloe or Aubree were here.

I know i had nothing to worry about, she was probably just out shopping or something and her phone was probably on silent like usual, in Aubree's pram so she wouldn't have a clue that i was calling her.

I bite my lip before standing up from the lounge, heading into the kitchen to finally make myself some breakfast.

For some reason though, my eyes kept glancing to the phone on the kitchen bench, a sinking pit in my stomach began to set in as i tried to swallow my food down.

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