33 (war)

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🎶To the rhythm of the war drums
I'll be the one to protect you from
You're enemies and all your demons
I'll be the one to protect you from
A will to survive and a voice of reason
I'll be the one to protect you from
Enemies and all your choices son
One in the same I must isolate you
Isolate and save you from yourself
Swing to the rhythm of the new world order.
Count the bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums.🎶

####Lane pov###

Darly is pacing, me on the other hand is sitting against the car and smoking a cigarette.

"There's no reason not to use this time we have together to explore the issues ourselves." This nerdy guy says

"Boss said to sit tight and shut up." Martinez says, I scoff

"Don't you mean the governor?" Martinez looks at Daryl and I back and forth

"It's a good thing they're sitting down, especially after what happened. They're going to work it out. Nobody wants another battle." Nerdy guys says. I finished my cigarette, and stand up

"Oh honey I wouldn't exactly call it a battle." I say with a smirk

"I would call it a battle and I did. I recorded it." Nerdy guy says

"For what?" My brother asks.

"Somebody's got to keep a record of what we've gone through it'll be a part of our history." Wow

"It makes sense." Hershel States

"I've got dozens of interviews--" the sound of Walker's cut him off

Martinez and I run after the noise. I hear Daryl following behind me.

"D stay back, I got this." I say and he nods We come across a lot of Walker's. I look at Martinez and smirk

"After you."

"No way you first. Lady's first." He says I grab my bow and with out looking at the walker I shoot It in the head.

"Pussy. " He twirls his bat and smashes a walkers head in.

Two more Walker's come up he goes for them but my arrow goes through the first one. Hee goes to take a hit on the next one. But I've already thrown my dagger into it.

"I see you haven't done any faster Martinez." I say checking the pockets of the Walker. Found some cigarettes and offer him one

"And I see you're still bitch. Na I still prefer menthols." I smile

"Douchebag"I smile

"Or you still in the army when all this happen?" I ask

" Nah I retired a year after you. Just hate these things after what they did....to my wife and kids." He says

"Sucks." I say as an apology


"This is a joke right. They ain't gonna work anything out. Sure to do a little dance tomorrow. And the next day... They will give them the word."

"I know, I still remember how this shit works." I say offering him a cigarette agian. He takes it and lits it.

"""Time skip"""

Rick and the governor walk out. They get into there cars. I look at Martinez and give him a not. And we all get into our cars. My brother And I on our bikes.

"Let's get in side." Rick says, We all gather as a group around Rick.

"So, I met this governor. Sat with him for quite a while."

"Just the two of you?" Merle asks looking back at me I scoff and Rick nods.

"Should have gone when we had the chance, bro." Merle says walking away.

"He wants the prison. He wants us gone. Dead. He wants us dead. For what we did to Woodbury." Rick says I smirk

"We my ladies and gentlemen are going to war." I ask walking out side, Rick follows after me. I stand in front of the fence looking down. I hear Herschel come through the door.

"The group's taking it as well as can be expected. Merle and Michonne are convinced we should hit first. Carol and I think we should take our chances on the road. We're in this together. So if we stay and fight, so be it." Herschel says I nod and walk down stairs after a moment of silence.

"He gave me a choice. A way out." I hear Rick say

"What does he want?"

"Michonne." I stand shocked

"He'll kill her."

"And then kill us anyway."

"But what if he doesn't? What if this is the answer?"

"Why didn't you tell them?"

"They need to be scared."

" They are, Rick. " I say walking back up, he stares a me.

"Good. Because that's the only way they'll accept it."

"She saved my life and Carl's, Glenn, Maggie, if she hadn't come here, we would never know they were taken. She's earned your place."  Herschel states

"Yeah she has. You willing to sacrifice your daughter's life for her, and lane your son." Herschel Chase's head

"Why are you telling me?"

"Because I'm hoping you can talk me out of it." Herschel wait a moment and leaves. Leaving me and Rick alone.

" If he can't then I will." I say he looks at me

"What is she to you? Don't think I didn't see the way y'all greeted each other." He asks me I pause

"We dated all through high School. Then a month Before I left for the military, we broke up. But in that time she'd saved my life. I really wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her. But that's besides the point. I'm not letting you give her to him. If you do I don't care who is watching. I will fucking kill you. In the worst ways possible." I take a step forward looking him in the eye.

"Is that a threat? Lane." He asks. I lift up my hand and push back a piece of hair that is falling in front of his face.

"No, baby. It's a promise." I smile and walk away.

++++++++++End chapter+++

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