13 (Here)

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Hey guys there's a slight needle warning in this chapter. And lots of cursing like there will be in my other chapters. If you don't like needles I suggest when they start taking blood out of Lane you skip over that part. As in that hope you enjoy

🎵They say God is real, I disagree
'Cause if that were true,
then we'd all be free,
all be free, yeah, yeah🎵

===time skip===
They just took out the first shard. Rick is giving blood to Carl. Shane and I are sitting on the sidelines. Herschel's making sure his pressure is stable which is
" Lori needs to be here. She doesn't even know what's going on. I got to go find her bring her back." He says
" you can't do that." Herschel says
" she's his mother. She needs to know what's happened. Her sons lying here shot." Rick says
" and he's going to need more blood. He can't more than 50 feet from this bed." Herschel says to me and Shane. Brick stands up but wobbles and we walked out of the room and walk to where Maggie and Otis are. I sit in the chair next to Rick and Shane stands right beside him.

" Lori has to be here Shane , she has to know." He says looking between me and Shane
" okay, I get that. I'm going to handle it. But you got to handle your end." He says
"My.... my end?"
" your end is being here for your son. Even if you didn't need your blood to survive Rick, there is no way I let you walk out that door." I say
" man, I'd break your legs if you tried. You know that right? If something happened to him and you weren't here..." Shane adds
" if something happened to him and you weren't here if... If he slipped away while you were gone, you would never forgive yourself for that and neither would Lori, Rick." I say. There's a slight pause
" you guys are right." He says
" when have we ever been wrong, you know when..... when you were in the hospital, the one you were never supposed to leave, man, you should have seen the Lori she was like... the strength in that woman you should have seen it... That's what you've got to have now. I mean, Carl he needs that from you. So sit tight, my friend. You hear me." He says they push their foreheads together.
" you've got the hard part. Just leave the rest to us all right." Shane's says
Then the door reopens. We all stand up
" he's out of danger for the moment. But I need to remove those remaining fragments." Herschel says
" how? You saw how he was." Rick says
" I know, and that was the shallows one. I need to go deeper to get the others there's more." He says
"Tell me."
"His stomach's descended, his pressure is dropping, which means there's internal bleeding. A fragment must have nicked one of the blood vessels I have to open it up, find the bleeding and Stitch it. And he can't move while I'm in there I mean, at all. If you react the same as before. I'll sever a nerve and he'll be dead in minutes." Herschel says
" even if you try this, you have to put him under. But if you do, he won't be able to breathe on his own. Same bad results Herschel. You'll need a respiratory, the tube that goes with it, extra surgical supplies, drapes, sutures." I say
" and if you have all that you could save him?" Rick says
" if I had all that, I could try." He says
" yeah but the nearest hospital went up in Flames a month ago. The high school" Otis says
" that was what I was thinking. They said a FEMA shelter there they would have everything we need."
" the place was overrun last time I saw it. You couldn't get near it. Maybe it's better now." Otis says.
" I said, leave the rest to me. Is it too late to take that back?" Shane says
" I hate you going alone."
" he won't be, he said leave the rest to us." I say
" no I need you here o negative right? The universal blood donor. If we can't get any more blood from Rick will need you so you need to stay here. And let's not forget that your boys in a different bed too." Herschel says I nod
" come on man, doc, why don't you do me a list and draw me a map?" Shane says
" you won't need a map. I'll take you there. Ain't but five miles." Otis says
" Otis, no." Patricia says
" honey, we don't have time for you guess work I'm responsible. I ain't going to sit here while this fella takes his own alone. I'll be all right." Otis says
"Are you sure, about this?" Rick says
" do you even know what any of this stuff he's talking about looks like?" Otis says
" come to think, no." Shane says I shake my head
" I've been a volunteer EMT. I do. We can talk about this till next Sunday or we can just do it real quick." He says
" I'll take right quick." Shane says
" I should thank you." Rick starts
" wait till that boy of yours is open around. Then we'll talk. I'll gather some things." Otis says
" where is she, your wife?" Maggie says to Rick. Rick explains where she is. But I know Daryl won't let Lori go right away again idea.
" hey Maggie, there's a Man Thrill Dixon. Don't tell him about Jared. But tell him midnight black says it's okay." I say she looks confused but nods anyways and goes off her way

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