8 (Jenner)

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🎵And right now I'm so in love with you.
And I don't want to think
too much about what
we should
or shouldn't do.🎵

====Lanes POV====
"I've been thinking about Ricks plan, now look there are no guarantees either. I'll be the first one to admit that. I've known this man a long time. I trust his instincts. And Lane has a friend that works or worked at CDC hopefully he's there but I say the most important thing here is we need to stay together. So those of you that agree, we leave first thing in the morning. okay.

Next morning I'm a earlier-than-usual packing my stuff getting ready to go to CDC me and Edwin Jenner we're friends back when I was in the military. He taught me everything I know when it comes to medical things. I can trust this man with my life hopefully he's there. I worked for the CDC for 6 months. I know that place like the back of my hand unlike Fort Benning. At Benning we can be walking into a trap. I have all my things in my brother's truck before everyone else because I'm the only one awake. I sit by my motorcycle smoke a cigarette. Thinking about what my brother said. He still hasn't talked to me which is getting hard because I'm his twin sister.

Yesterday in the morning when Rick and I were talking he's the first person that easily opened up to that quickly I don't open up to people that quickly. For some reason I feel like I can trust him. But us Dixon's we don't fall in love. And in this world it makes it 30 times worse. Once again I see him looking out into Atlanta. Talking on his walkie-talkie but I'm not at your shot so I can't hear it.
It's a little later and I'm still sitting by my bike when I here Shane talking.
" alright everyone listen up. Those of you using CB's we're going to be on channel 40. Just keep the chatter down okay? Now you got a problem, don't have CB, can't get a signal on anything at all, you just going to hit your horn one time don't stop the Caravan. Any questions?" Shanes asks
"We're uhh...we're not going. We have family in Birmingham. We want to be with are people." Morales says.
" you're going to be on your own then" I say
" you go on your own, you won't have anyone to watch your back." Shane adds.
"Well take our chance. I got to do what's best for my family."
"You sure." I say
"We talked about it. We're sure."
"Alright. Shane" Rick opens one of the bags
"Yeah alright."
".357?" Rick asks
"Yeah. Box is half full." Shane says Darly has been staring at me the whole time, and gives
"Thank you all, for everything." Morales wife says Lori hugs her well I hug Morales, he was becoming like a brother to me
"Buona fortuna fratello. Sii sicuro prenditi cura dei tuoi figli e di tua moglie."(This is Spanish it means Good luck brother. Be safe take care of your kids and your wife.)
I say to him and he nods. We all say are good byes. We even make a sign for Ricks buddy Morgan. I take my motorcycle Daryl Jared Liam Jonathan are in Merle's truck. I'm behind his truck and we are on our way to CDC. But The RV stops.
" Dale we got a problem?" I ask him
" yes the radio hose it's more duct tape than hose. And i'm out of Duct tape." Says I nod
" I see something up ahead gas station if we're lucky." Shane says
"Y'all..Jim its bad. I don't think he can take anymore." Jacqui says.
" Hey Lane, Rick y'all want to hold down the fort? I'll drive ahead see what I can being back" Shane asks me and Rick.
"Yeah" me and Rick say
"Yeah I'll come along to, and back you up." T-dog says I stop listening and go in the RV to check on Jim.
"Hey, Jim well be back on the roof soon." I say with Rick right beside me
"Oh no Christ my bones..my boss are like glass. Every little Bump--god, this rides killing me. Leave me here. I'm done. Just leave me. I want to be with my family."
"There all dead, I don't think you know what your asking." Rick says.
" the fever.... You've been Delirious more often than not." I say
"I know don't, you think I know I'm clear now. In 5 minutes I may not be. Lane, Rick, I know what I'm asking I want this. Leave me here. Now That's on me. okay? my decision. Not your failure." We walk it of the RV.
" it's what he says he wants." Rick says
"And he lucid?" Carol asks
" he seems to be. I would say yes." I said
" back at the camp when I said Daryl might be right and you shot me down, you misunderstood. I would never go along with callously killing a man. I was just going to suggest we asked Jim what he wants. And I think we have an answer." Dale says I'm standing in the middle of Rick and Shane. Rick looks over to Shane and I.
"We just leave him here, we take off man I'm not sure I could live with." Shane says
"You don't have to. It's not our choice not our life it's Jim's. If you want to do this then he wants to." I say
"It's not your call ethier one of you three." Loir says. Rick and Shane take Jim to a tree and put hum there.
"Hey, another Damn tree." He says I chuckle
"Hey, Jim-- I mean you know it doesn't need to be this." Shane says.
"No. It's good the breeze feels nice." He says I look down
"Ok, alright." Shane stands up and puts a hand on my shoulder, I flinch, and look at him
"Close your eyes, sweetie. Don't fight."Jacqui Says and kisses him on the cheek. Rick go's to him and hands him a gun.
"Jim, do you want this?" Rick asks hum
"No. You'll need it. I'm ok" He says they all say there good byes and Daryl just looks at him in nods I'm the last one left
" lane, you take care of your boy don't let nothing happen to him. And what your brother said to you don't believe it. I don't know what happened between you and your father. But I can assure you nothing like him. You're a good mother to that boy. Look out for him Carl and Sophia." He says to me and breath in
"I will Jim, I will. Stop fighting an let go. I will see you someday." I say then walk away. I see Liam and i go to him and hug him well he sobs in to my chest. We all get back in to are cars and drive off to CDC.
We arrive at CDC the military that were supposed to be at the front lines are dead. Hopefully someone still in CDC hopefully Edwin is in CDC. We get there and Rick knocks on the door.
" there's nobody here." T-dog says
" then why are the shutters down?" I ask
"WALKERS!" Darly yells
" Jared get behind Liam and Jonathan." I say
"You two led us into a graveyard."Darly yells at me and Rick.
"They made a call." Shane says
"It was the wrong Damn call!" He yells at me
"Just shut him Darly, you hear me Shut up! Shut up!" I yell back. Rick Lane this is a dead end." He says pointing to us.
"Where are we going to go?"
"Do you hear me. No blame." Shane says
" Carol's right we can't be here, this close to the city after Dark." Loir says
" Fort Benning, Rick... Still an option."
"On what. No food, no fuel. That's 125 miles. And even if we had that. Fort Benning probably fell within a month when the world with this shit Fort Benning is weak, I highly doubt it's still going to be there." I say
" forget Fort Benning we need answers tonight, now." Loir yells.
"Well think of something." Rick say but I see the canes move he looks at me and I look at him.
" it moved. The camera it moved." I say
" you imagined it." Dale said
"It moved." Rick says
" Rick Lane it's dead man it's an automated device. It's gears, okay?" Shane says
" no... No no it's not the only time that camera can you move isn't somebody operates at someone's in there." I say
" just look around this place. It's dead, okay? It's dead. You need to let it go, Rick. Rick, there's nobody in there." Shane yells but Rick pounds on the shutters
" I know you're in there. I know you can hear me. Please, we're desperate. Please help us. We have women, we have children, no food hardly any gas left. There's nowhere else to go if you don't let us in your killing us please please help us." Rick yells but Shane is pulling him off.
" if you can hear us this is Lieutenant Lane Dixon codename midnight Colt if you can hear us let us in." I yell. Then the bright light I know so well opens then I hear a voice I know really well.
"Hello?" Rick yells
" anybody infected?" Jenner asks Damn its good to see him.
" one of our group was. He didn't make it." Rick says
" why are you here. what do you want?" Jenner asks
" damn Jenner. That's no way to welcome an old friend." I say
"Nice to see you again lieutenant, what do you guys want?" He says
"A chance, look I know that's asking for a lot these days. But you know me Jenner. You've known me since I was 18." I say
" you all submit to a blood test as the price of submission." He says
"We can do that Dr. " I say
" you got stuff to bring and you do it now. Once this door closes it stays closed." He says and some people run off to get things from the cars
" Jonathan, grab your guitar." I yell they bring in there stuff and we close the doors.
"Lane I haven't seen you since A Year after lieutenant Black died. You retired a year after that right." He asks I nod.
" VI, seal the main entrance. Kill the power up here." He says once were in the elevator. Weight goes up to Jenner
" Rick Grimes." He says
" dr. Edwin Jenner."
" doctors always go around packing heat like that?" Darly says Jenner looks at me.
" is that your other brother?" He asks I nod
" there are plenty left lying around. I familiarize myself. But you look harmless enough except you. I have to keep my eye on you." Jenner says to Carl.
" are we Underground?" Carol asks
"Why you claustrophobic?" I ask
"A little."
" try not to think about it." I say
" hey Jenner, can V I still listen to my orders?" I ask he nods
"Yeah, go ahead." He says chuckling at my excitement.
"Hell yeah, VI, bring up the lights in the big room." I say they turn on
" welcome to zone 5." Jenner says.
"We're is everybody?" Me and Rick ask at the same time.
" the other doctors, the staff?" Rick adds
"I'm it. It's just me here."
" what about the person you and Lane were speaking with? VI?" Loir says
"HI, Say hello to our guests, Say welcome." Jenner says.
" hello, guests. Welcome. Hello Lieutenant Dixon." VI says
" I'm all that's left. I'm sorry. And I need your help with the blood." He says
I start taking out Rick's blood well Jenner takes out Andrea's blood.
" what's the point. If we're all infected, we'd all be running a fever." She asks
" he's already broken every rule in the book letting us in here." I say
"Let me just be thorough." He adds
Andrea stumbles back a little
" You ok?" He asks
" we haven't eaten in days none of us have." I say
"I can help with that.
will start eating dinner passes out one and alcohol for the adults and soda for the kids.
" you know, and Italy, children have a little bit of wine with your dinner. And in France." Dale says to Loir and me.
" well when Carl or Jared is in Italy or France, he can have some then." Loir says
" hey Jared has had some before he doesn't like it." I say and Jared nods
" hey what's it going to hurt come on." Rick says to Loir
"Fine." Loir agrees Carl drink some and says eww the adults laugh
"That's my boy, thats my boy." Loir says
"Stick to soda pop kid." Shane says
" not you, Glenn." Darly says
"What?" He says
" keep drinking, little man. I want to see how red your face can get." Darly says we all laugh
" hey Lane, you're going to drink?" Jonathan asks me
"No, 10 years sober, just because it's the end of the world it doesn't mean I'm gonna start again." I say
I'm sitting next to Jenner thinking about the last time I was here. Was a week before Alex got killed. Then i hear tapping on a glass.
" seems to me we haven't think their host properly." Rick says
" he is more than just our host." I say
" Here to you Doc. BOOYAH!." Darly yells
" Thank you doctor." Rick says
" so when you going to tell us what the hell happened here, doc?" Shane says. I stand up from the table and walk away into the room that me and Alex shared before he died. I sigh and sit on our old bed. I hear them walking down the hall. Jenner says there hot water. Rick comes in my room.
"Sorry, didn't know anybody was in here." He says shyly
"It alright, I'm assuming you need somewhere to stay. I know you probably don't want to stay in the room with your ex-wife and your best friend." I say
"Yeah, do you mind?" He asks
"No, Jared will be with my asshole twin brother, you can take a shower first, and the bed." I say
"No you take the bed-" I cut him off
"I'm taking the couch and you take the shower no ifs, and, or buts. " I say. He sighs and i walk to find Jenner, he working on the blood.
"How's the blood?" I ask
"No surprises, how are you lieutenant." He says
" Jenner how many times have I told you not to use my rank." I say
" too many times to count." He says then we hear a knock its Rick.
"How's the blood?" He asks
"No surprises." He says
"I came to thank you." He says
"You did?" Jenner says Rick falls right in front of a wall so it catches him.
"You alright Rick." I ask
" you don't know what it's like. You don't know what it's like out there. You may think you do but you don't. We would have died out there it was only a matter of time. Is too many of those things. My..... my boy, I never told him what I really thought. I never even hinted, just.. Just kept it in. Kept it in this moving, you know just kept it in. Just kept us..." He says I slide down next to him
"It will be ok." Jenner says I stand back up and pick Rick up and put his arm over my shoulder, and walk him back to the room we share.
" why don't you drink." He slurrs
" because I'm a different person when I drink." I say
" aren't we all" he says
"Yeah." I whisper AND gently place him on the the bed.
"Why does everyone hate me?" He asks I look at him in confusion
"I mean my wife cheated on me, my best friend is fucking her. And you..... you are pretty." He slurrs
"Your drunk" I say
"And your pretty." He says back i go get my bag from the corner of the room and grab some sweats and a white tank top. I head to the bathroom take off my shirt and look at the scars my father caused me and the tattoos I used to cover up the obvious ones. I take my shower and put on my tank top. I head to bed and fall asleep.

The end of chapter

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