25 (Brother)

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🎵Hey brother! There's an endless road to rediscover
Hey sister! Know the water's sweet but blood is thicker
Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do

Hey brother!🎵

________Lane POV________

"We ain't. I'll go after them. " Daryl

"Well, this place sounds pretty secure. you can't go alone." I say to my brother

"I'll go." Beth states

"Me too." Axels asserts

"I'm in." Oscar replies


" I go the flash bang and I got the tear gas. you never know what you're gonna need." my brother says to me.

I see carl coming up to me and Daryl, when he puts a duffel bag full of ammo and gun in the car Daryl and I stop him, getting the same idea. Carl seems not very happy with his dad going with us, he thinks his dad isn't going to make it back.

"Hey, hey, don't you worry about your old man." my brother try's to comfort him

"We will keep an eye on him." I say and walk toward Jared

"Look Jar, I don't want you to come with us today ok." I say sterny

"Why I can protect my self mom-" I cut him off

"I know you can protect yourself. I just.....I just can't loose someone else...ok. If I were to loose you to this-"

"But you won't okay, I promise you this mom, I will sick to you or Daryl unless you tell me other wise. I'm going, and you can't tell me otherwise."

"Jared I said-" my brother cuts me off

"Lane we need the help let him come."

"Daryl.........Fine he gets hurt, it's your fault." I say and hope in of the of the cars

=======+++++++Jared's POV=====+++++

is she mad at me. did I do something that pissed her off. no, I didn't she's just being a bitch right it can't be me. My own mother hates me. I hope in my uncles car, I mean my head on the window.

"You know she doesn't hate yea, right?" My uncle says to me

"Yeah well that's what it seems like right now." I say

"Hey look, your mom is lost right now, kid. The People who were in her life longer then you have been alive, just died. They way they died is the way she promise wouldn't happen. It hard for her." He says

"You thinks it's not hard for me, they were my uncle's/My family! The People I looked up too! She's just being selfish!" I snap I see him flinch but I turn away

=====Lane POV===
The two cars park and we unpack the car. Wish I owned in the lead Oskar behind her Daryl next to Rick Jared in front of Daryl and Rick me and the back. We see a group of walkers in front of us it's not a big one but it's still enough to take us out in the worst scenario.

" get into formation. No gunfire." I say as I throw a dagger in to ones head. I hits the ground with a thud. Rick killed te one next to me, then Daryl, the Oscar, but ther were to many. Rick lead us out of the walker path. He aponts us to a small house. As soon as we step in a foul smell hits me.

"That/the smell, it's fucking loud." Daryl and I say .

"What the hell is that?" Oscar asks pointing to whats left of a fox

"Its got to be a fox or what's left of one, I guess Lassie went home." I say. We hear a loud pounding noise walkers, Rick lifts up a blanket to find a alive man pointing his hunting rifle at us.

"Who the hell are you?" The man ask with slight fear in his voice.

"Look sit, we don't mean any harm." I say calmly

"Get out of my house!"He yells

"Okay, okay, okay. We can't right now, there are walkers outside " I say keeping my weapons still pointed at him

"I'll call the cops." He says

" I'll do you one better I'm military, he is a cop too, let's just take this nice and slow, okay?" I say as i placed my weapons down pointing at Rick he sticks his gun in my face.

"Show me your badge, and you military ID." He yells,

I pull out my I'D that I keep in my back pocket, just in case. As Rick is telling the man what is is going to do he looks down, causing a moment of weakness. I knock the gun to the side it Fires at the door. But I het this man in a head lock. He escapes from my grab and runs for the door Michonne stabs him before he can reach the door. I look at her in shock , well we all do. We grab the now dead man and push him to the walkers, and we make a run though the back door.

We're supposedly getting close to this place. We're walking find this train now. We hide behind a car as we see some tires and wall. With two men on guard. We wait till the perfect time. That was before Michonne left on her own. We start forming a plan when we hear a twig snap and it's Michonne telling us to go a different way.

We follower her, she takes us through a pantry. She said that's where she was questioned. We see some people walking by and Daryl makes comment how there was a curfew she says they were just stragglers. There's a knocking, a man comes through. An older looking man with a red baseball cap and flannel. He's yelling something incoherent. He walks by me and Rick will get him by the throat rick pins him up against the wall. They take his weapons. Ritz question about holding some of our people., he claims he doesn't know Rick gets frustrated and he stuffs a towel in his mouth and my brother knocks him out.

She finally leads us to where Glenn and Maggie your help. We hear them taking them out of whatever they're holding them in. And we throw a flashbang. We find Maggie England in the mess of smoke. As people are shooting behind us. I pushed your it in front of me so he doesn't get hurt.

"Lane, this was Merle." I stop in my tracks
"It was, he did this."

"You saw him?" My voice cracking
"Face to face. Threw a walker at me. He was gonna execute us.

"S-so my brother's this governor?" My twin asks

"No it's somebody else, your brother's his lieutenant or something." I flinch as her words.

"Does he know were still with you?" I ask

"He does now. Rick, I'm sorry. We told him where the prison was. We couldn't hold out." Gleen stutters
"Don't, no need to apologize."

My.....my brother....isn't ...... He isn't....... Merle is alive?.....he.... my thoughts were interrupted my my brother

"Hey, if Merle' s around, i-we need to see him." My brother and my son say together

"Not now. We're in hostile territory." Rick points out I stand up.

"He's our family. I ain't-" I say to Rick

"Look at what he did! Look, we gotta... we gotta get out of here now." Rick cuts me off

"Maybe we can talk to him. Maybe we can work something out." I say shaking

"No, no your not thinking straight. But, no matter what they say, they're hurt. Glenn can barely walk. How are we gonna make it out, if we get overrun by walkers and this governor catches up to us? I need you. Are you with me" he asks a little close to my face


=======end of chapter====

Sorry it took so long, I just finish finals and it was hectic.

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