14 (Black)

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🎵And so you go to war
For the passion, for the glory
For the memories for the money
You're a soldier, for your country
What's the difference, all the same🎵

####Lane POV####

" did you... I mean, it was legendary. Did you ever hear about this time Shane stole Kingsley car the principal's car right out of the teachers lot, but in the middle of a school day. Shane skips lunch and makes a beeline to Kingsley Hyundai where the keys are hanging ignition, peels out, drives down Dillon Drive that chicken farm out there. He pulls it into one of these big holding pens. Kingsley, he washed that thing every month, has an auto shop vacuum it out every week Shane, he Parks it in the huge pen with a couple hundred of chickens, rolls down all the windows, and then start sprinting back to school. which Is 3 miles away, easy. He's back in time to finish his sandwich before Bell Rings. Shane gets up and when he runs into Kingsley he looks out the window and says, principal Kingsley. Your Coop's gone. Get it Coop like chicken coop." Rick says to me I'm sitting in s chair in front of Jared he is still asleep

"I get it." I I say with a dry laugh
" what you said before, you're right. Shane's going to make it back with what you and Hershel needs. He'll make it back." Rick says
" Hershel said you need to eat." I say
" Jared is going to be alright, and so is Carl." He says I look up to him
" for Carl you got to keep your strength up." I say he nods and takes his sandwich. He nods and then leaves the room.

==== time skip====
Me and Hershel just got done taking the last shared out off Carl. He should be fine. Herschel and I walk out of house to his front porch. I see Rick and Lori sitting next to each other Shane sitting front of this truck. When they see us they all gasped.

" he seems to have stabilized." Herschel says
" he'll be out for a little while a day or two cuz the amount of blood he is lost. Other than that he's stable." I say with a smile I hear everyone whisper oh gods and thankfully. Rick and Lori stand up Rick gives Herschel and hug and Lori gives me a hug.

" I don't have words." She says to us me and Hershel look at each other
"We don't either. Wish we did." He says
" how do I tell Patricia about Otis." Herschel says the mood immediately changes you can cut the tension with a plastic butter knife. Rick looks at Lori
" you go to Carl. I'll go with Herschel." He says
" I'll go with you to Herschel she needs to have comfort from a woman too." I say we all walk in the house to where Patricia is.

=====time skip=====
It's been a little while after we talked to Patricia about Otis. I go to Jared's room in I see he still asleep. I get dressed to go to sleep. I lay down on one of the chairs that are next to him. When I hear faint not coming from the door. I open it and see rick.
"Hey what's up."
"Is he awake?" Rick asks me
"No, he should be up tommrow but won't be moving around for a couple of days." I say he nods he looks horrible, but still hot, wait what?
"You wanna go for a walk" I ask him
"I was gonna ask you the same thing." He says with a chuckle, god. Stop
"Great minds think alike." I say

We walk out to the front porch and look out to the dark. I pull out a cigarette and light it Rick looks over to me and chuckles
"What?" I says
"Do you ever run out of those things I think everytime your outside you have one." He says laughing
"No I don't, I got like 80 more packs, and I don't smoke everytime I'm outside. You want" I say handing him my cigarette.
"Remember don't smoke." He says
"End of the world come on." I say he just shakes his head and looks away
"Cool more for me, and don't go begging to me for one later. Officer friendly." I say with a smirk
"Hey I thought we were past this whole officer friendly thing? Midnight " He says
"Nope, I like it." I say
"Sure, you never answered my question you know." He say I raise a eyebrow
"Question?" I say
" if your ok every since C.D.C you've been....I don't not yourself. So are you ok." He asks sincerely
"I fine." I say
"No don't give me that Lane, look I may not be Darly or Shane but that don't mean you can't talk to me." He says
"You don't have to be ok all the time, hell your son was shot in the thigh and your acting as if it's a normal Sunday." He adds
"Look Grimes us Dixions don't show emotions like that. We have to be strong and not fucking break down like little pusses. I'm fine."
"See that's were you wrong. You Dixions do show emotions, i'v seen it on all of you. I know people like you Lane. You put on a tough face but on the inside your trying not to break down. I know you. You may be strong, brave, fast but your not emotionless." He says
"No Rick that's were your wong. You don't know me. Not one fucking bit. You may have been a cop but there's one thing your missing. The reason. You don't know shit about me or my family. When shit happens to you, you learn to hide your emotions not take them away. You don't know shit. I ask God for a sign if I'm doing the right thing. And guess what I get. Two fucking boys shot. You don't know me, my brother doesn't, Liam or Jonathan don't even know me" I say and walk back in to the house. I snapped at him for no reason. Not one fucking one. Other then him saying he knows me witch he doesn't but still. I say back down on the chairs and fall asleep

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