21 (Thomas)

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Warning: this chapter touches on a triggering subject.

🎵My favorite inside source
I'll kiss your open sores
Appreciate your concern
You're gonna stink and burn

Rape me,🎵

////Lanes POV////

We see a fucking prison..... I think we just hit the jack pot. Rick Daryl and I run back to the group and tell them to get their shit ready. Right now we are running inside the fence. Someone has to close it well the rest cover them.

"I'll do it, you guys cover me." Gleen says

"No, it a suicide run." Maggie says to him

"I'm the fastest."

"My ass, I'll do it. I'm the only one who is crazy enough to do it and the fastest." I say

"No." Daryl, Johnathan, Liam, Jared, and Rick say in unison. I raise and eyebrow

"No, Gleen Maggie and Beth, draw as many as you can over there pop them though the fence Daryl and Johnathan go back to the other tower. Herschel, you Carl, and Jared take this tower. Liam and Carol over there pop them thought the fence. I'll run for the gate." He says

"Your forgetting one person. I will come with you Rick, your not running alone. Don't try to stop me okay. Okay." I say commanding

"No, go with Darly and-" I cut him off

"You need back up, and another runner, who is just as fast as you. And im both of those now stop jerking off, and let's do this officer." I say he nods

Lori opens the gate, we looks at her and nod. Rick steps out slowly. We pull out out guns and shit the walkers in our path, without missing a beat.

I run in front of him and get to the gate well shooting down the walkers in my path. One get to close to Rick and I shoot it with my bow. Two arrows go thought it's head. One being mine and my brothers.

Coral shoots the ground right infront of Rick. I lost out a sigh of relief as he stops. I close the gate and lock them together. He helps me lock them and picks his gun back up and stats shooting the one that are surrounding us. I feel a hand touch my shoulder.

"MOM!" Jared screams

I push one of my daggers though it's head, it was less then a inch from biting my neck. We run in to the tower. I let out a breath of relief. I can here my brother yell lite it up. We run up the tower and shoot down the remaining walkers. I can see Rick shake his head and chuckle and we shoot them down. I hit a got 15 of them with out missing. I hear him mutter a Damn at my count witch causes me to miss. Fucker. Rick shoots the last one. And stars at me, we stare at eachother in awe. We just clears the field. He hugs me and I hug hum back, as a victory. My heart beating faster then a speeding bullet, because how close we are eachother. We pull back and laugh.

"We fucking did it!" I yell

They make it form there posts and my son comes running to me. He checks me over making sure I didn't get bit or something. that's when I feel somethimg hard hit my head.

"Ow..fucker." I look to see it was my brother

"You could have gotten you dumbass killed." He says

"But I didn't." I say

"But you could have." He says I sigh

"Alright guys no more dilly dalling, we gotta finish this and clear this block out." I say we all gather by the fence Rick and I just closed and we open it.

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