24 (call)

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🎵You must promise to love me
And damn it, if you fuck me over
I will rip your fucking face apart

High school sweethearts🎵

***Lane POV***

"No." I say in a monotone voice.
"I need to finish this and you are not stopping me from in Rick." I say to him. He nods and hesitantly gets up and walks away knowing he's not going to win this battle.
I finished cleaning out the Boiler Room I sit next to this phone that will probably never work. It starts to ring, makes no sense, but I answered it anyways.
"Hello, is- is some one there?" A women asks

"Yes. Yes. Who is-" the women cuts me off

"Oh, my god! I can't believe someone pick up. We've been calling since... Since it all started." She says shocked

" where are you?" I reply

" I can't say."

" you could be thousand miles away." I state

" I'm not going to say Where We Are." He stutters

" are you.. are you someplace safe?" I ask

"Yeah. And part of it is because we're careful. I can't tell you where we are. I'm sorry." She says hesitantly

"What ma.... what makes your place so safe?" I Sutter out
"It's just...... away... from them." She says

"I have a son.... we have a.... a newborn baby. I'm with a good group of people. Would you be willing... could you take in others? We can pull our weight. We can help you." I ask

"I'd have to talk to the group." She says

" well, put them on. Let me make a case." I say quickly

" let me talk to them first." She says

"Please, please don't, don't go. Just please, we're good people here. We just need some help and we can help you." I say almost in tears

"I'll call back in two hours." She says

"Please... you don't understand. You don't know. We're dying. We're dying here." I whisper as her hang up the call. The sweat dripping down my forehead. I gently put the phone back. I walk out of the boiler room out of the hallways into the cell block that we cleared for us. Finally facing the people at love.

I walk in and all eyes are on me, my combat boots and people spoons hitting their bowls being the only sound.

"Everybody okay?" I ask strikingly

"Yeah we are." Maggie says, I see sympathy though her eyes and sadness

"What about you?" Hershel asks. I ignore him not wanting to answer his question

" I...uh ... I cleared out the boiler block." I say looking at Jared, in his eyes. I see anger, sadness and sympathy.

"How many were there?" My brother asks with a deadly tone

" I don't know. A dozen, two dozen. I have to get back I just wanted to check on Jared and Daryl." I say patting my son's back. Gleen stands up

"Lane, we can handle taking out the bodies. You don't have to." He says looking me dead in the eyes.

"No, I do." I say walking  to Rick

"Everone have a gun and a knife?" I ask the cop

"Yeah. We're running low on ammo, though." Rick says

" Maggie and me were planning on making a run this afternoon. Found a phonebook with some places we can hit, looking for bullets and formula." Gleen states
" we cleared out the generator room. Axel's they're trying to fix it, in case of emergency. We're going to sweep the lower level as well." My brother says looking me in the eyes.

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