18 (Barn)

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🎵I really don't know what you mean
Seems like salvation comes
only in our dreams
I feel my hatred grow all the
more extreme
can this world really be
as sad as it seems?🎵

====lane POV====
Its the next morning, we all eating breakfast and talking. I'm sitting in between Daryl and Jared. But now it's silent.

"There's walkers in the barn."  Gleen says, in a instant I'm running toward the barn. I stopped right before the barn. I put my ear up against and I can hear the moans from the walkers, I backup. Shane is right in front of me he's looking inside the barn.

"You can not tell me you are alright with this." Shane says to me and Rick

" I'm not but we're guests here." Rick states
"And this isn't are land." I say
"This is are lives! Man." Shane yells
"Lower your voice." Gleen says
"We can't just sweep this under the rug." Andrea says
"Yeah your right, not remotely. Okay, we've either got to go in there, we've got to make things right or we just got to go. And we've been talkin about Fort Benning for a long time." Sane says

"We can not go!" I say sternly
"Why, Lane, why?" He asks close to my face
" because my Daughter is still out there." Carol says in a shaky voice.
" okay, I think it's time that we all start to just to consider the other possibility." He says
"Shane we are not leaving Sophia behind." Rick says
" I'm close to finding this girl. I just found her damn doll two days ago." My brother cuts in.
" you found her doll, Daryl. That's what you did. You found a doll."
" you don't know what the hell you're talking about." They get closer to each other I put my dagger in my hand.
" I'm just saying, if you get a good lead its in the first 48 hours let me tell you something else, man. If she was still you think she would stay were she was when you come out all meth out with your buck knife , she would run the other direction." He yells they get close to hitting eachother but Rick puts a stop to it.
"Just let us talk to Herschel, let us figure it out." I say he get close
"WHAT ARE YOU GONNA FIGURE OUT?!" he yells in my face Loir backs him up before he does anything he's gonna regret.
" if were going to stay, if we clear the Barn, we have to talked him into it. This is his land." I yell right back at him

" Herschel sees those things in there as people sick people. His wife his stepson." Dale cuts in
"You knew?" Rick asks
" yesterday I talked to Herschel."
" and you waited a night?" Shane asks
" I thought we could survive one more night. And we did. I was waiting till this morning to say something. But Glenn wanted to be the one." He states.
" this man is crazy, Rick, Lane, if Hershel thinks those things are live or no." Shane yells if yells one more time in my face in gonna kick his ass. The Walkers growl even louder in the chains the barn rattle. Some people take a step back or I just stand there staring at it.
(Them music)
===time skip===

Rick in I walk in silence to herschel's house. We knock on the door until he says come in. We walk in when I see him reading .
"You like reading, when eating lunch?" I ask
"Been working so hard lately, I get my studying where I can." He says
You know we can help you out with your work." Rick states calmly
" it's my field to tend." There is a silence.
"We found the barn." Rick says
"Leave it be." He says
" well, we like to talk about it, but either way... You're barn, your farm, your say." I state
" I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to debate." Herschel says sternly
" not a debate a discussion." I say he nods and blinks at Rick and I

" I need you and your group gone by the end of the week." He says I bit my tongue not wanting to say anything stupid.
"I talked to Dale. You and I have your differences.  The way we look at the walkers. Those people,  they may be dead, they may be alive. But our people, us . We are alive right now, right now, right in front of you. You send us out there that can change." Rick says
" I've given you Safe Harbor. My conscience is clear." He says I sit right next to him with Rick on the other side if me
"Listen this farm... This farm is special. You've been shielded from what's been going on out there. Dale says you saw everything happened on the news. Well, it's been... It's been a long time since the camera stopped working. First time I saw Walker. It was just have a body snapping in front of me if they come around. My instinct wasn't to kill it. But with the world is out there isn't what you saw on TV. It is much much worse and it changes you. Either in the one of them or something a lot less than then the person you were. Please do not... Do not send us out there again." I say calmly well following him in to the kitchen. With Rick behind me
"My wife is pergent." Rick says I look at him in shock my heart breaking at him calling her his wife. I thought they were kinda divorced. And defiantly not fucking sleeping together.
"  thats either  gift here or a death sentence out there. For you to say we could help you with a work, with securing this place. We could survive together." I say my words laced with venom towards Rick.
"Lane, Rick, I'm telling you we can't." He says
" you think about what you're doing" Rick says
"I have thought about it."
"Think about it." I say
"I've thought about it." He yells I flinch at his tone thinking of my father. They notice. But I shake my head.
" think about it again. We can't go out there." I say and walk out the house. Rick follows me I brush past Maggie.

I walk to Shane, with Rick right behind me.

" what's it going to be man? Which way does this thing go?" He asks Rick i stay silent and walk away.

====time skip====
I sit in my tent making more arrows until I hear people talking. I walk out to see Shane giving a gun to my son. I grab my gun. And run to them

"What the fuck are you doing!" I yell at Shane

"Rick and I said no guns. And to leave this alone untill we fix it!" I yell getting in his face.

"Lane you better back off." He says
"What at you gonna do? Hit me? Go on do it bitch." I say he goes to say something but gets cut off. Rick and Hershel Walking up with two walkers we all run to them. When in front.

"What the hell you doing?" He yells
"Shane  just back off." Rick yells
"Why do your people have guns." Hershel yells. I look down at my gun.

They argue for a minute along with me until Shane runs up to the barn and hits off its hinges before I can get a chance to tackle him walkers come out of the barn. We all start shooting, it brings me back to Iqrac. Bang after bang body after body. We're finally done I hear Beth cring then one last walker comes out. It's Sophia.  I put a end to her and shoot her Liam is holding back Jared well Darly and John are holding back Carol. Tears fill my eyes as her body hits the ground. Once agian someone else is dead.

==========end of chapter===
Sorry for the spelling errors. I wrote this at like 3 in the morning.

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