20 (There's the door)

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🎵Cause I didn't mean to hurt him
Coulda been somebody's son
And I took his heart when
I pulled out that gun🎵

/////////Lane POV/////
" we're all infected." I say
" at the CDC, Jenner told us whatever it is, we all carry it." Rick says
" and you to never said anything?"
"would it have made a difference?" I siad
" you knew this whole time?"
" how could I have known for sure? You saw how crazy Jenner wa-" Gleen interupes me
" that was not your call. Okay, when I found about the walkers in the barn, I told, for the good of everyone."
" well, we thought it be best that people didn't know." Rick says I walk away and shortly after so does Rick. I start to feel dizzy, I look down at my leg and realize that there's blood all over my jacket. I don't say anything Rick looks over waterfall he seems stressed. I go up to him and hug him from behind. My hands around his waist.

"We had are reasons, is there anything that-"
"I killed him. I killed Shane." He says
"I know. You had to." I say
"He came at me. Killed Randal to get us in the woods. He planed it. I had no choice I gave him every chance and he kept leading us out further. He pushed me and I let him and after awhile, I knew, we knew what he was doing, what he was up to. And we kept going. We didn't stop. We could have but... We just wanted it over. Dogging me every step of the way acting like I stole Lori, Carl, you, Jared, like. Like I was in the way. I just wanted it over. I wanted him dead. I killed him. And when he turned. That's how we knew Jenner....Jenner was right. Carl put him down."

He stops when we hear sniffles. Lori. Lori is behind us. See is bent down with her hands on her knees. Rick go to pit a hand in her shoulder but she slaps it away. She backs away in alight fear, she walks away.

" why did you tell me all that I was there with you?" I ask
" because I knew she was behind you. And if I was talking to you would have made it easier." He tells me, I nod and walk back to the group

=====time skip====
Most of group is sitting in a circle with a campfire in the middle. Jared put his head in my lap. Jonathan and Liam or to the side of me holding hands. The empty spot next to me is where John would have been. Earlier I dug a hole and put his dog tags in there. Like he would have wanted. I didn't say speech, I didn't cry. Because that's not what he would have wanted. There's this silence that's eating away at all of us in the campfire. The crackling of the fire despite leaves rustling because the wind. The shifting seats. Until Carol speaks out, to my brother

" or not safe with him and her keeping secrets like that from us. Why do you need them ? there's just going to pull you down.." I hear her say I roll my eyes.
" no. Rick's done alright by me. So his Lane not just because she's my sister."
" you're their henchmen, and I'm a burden. You would be better." She say I scoff.
" better than his own sister?" I mumble under my breath.
" what do you want?" He asks
"Someone with honor."
"Lane has honor. Rick has honor." Darly states

" I think we should take our chances." Maggie says to Gleen
" don't be foolish. There's no food, no fuel, no ammo." Herschel States has point
" we need to leave, me, what are we waiting for." Carol says

" last thing we need is for everyone to be running off in the dark. We don't have the vehicles. No one's traveling on foot." Rick says

" I'm not sitting here, waiting for another herd to blow through. We need to move, now." Maggie says
" no one is going anywhere." I say commanding I can sense if one more word is said Rick is gonna blow, so am I.
"Do something." Carol says ther it is

" I am doing something! I'm keeping this group together, alive. I've been doing that all along, no matter what. I didn't ask for this. I killed my best friend for you people, for God's sake! You saw what he was like, how he pushed me and Lane. How he compromised us, how he threatened us. He staged the whole Randall thing, let me and laying out to put a bullet in our backs. He gave me no choice. He was my friend, but he came after me. My hands are clean. Maybe you people are better off without me. Go ahead. I say there's a place for us, but maybe, maybe just another pipe dream. Maybe I'm fooling myself again." He stops and takes a break I cut in

" why don't you... Why don't you go find out for yourselves? Send me a postcard. Go on, there's a door. You can do better? Let's see how far you get...... No takers? Fine. But get one thing straight... If you're staying, this isn't a democracy anymore. I've tried my best for this group. He has tried his best for this group. If you have a problem with things we've done then leave. Like I said there's the door. You looked us to lead you. But as soon as we make a mistake were the first ones to blame. As soon as everything comes crumbling down it immediately our fault. We didn't ask for this I know I didn't. So I'm sorry if we're not your people of Honor. Sorry if we don't have enough honor to lead this group. But you try having the weight of the rest of the world on your shoulders. espaeally when theres only a little left." Venom laced in my words. I walk way, so does Rick. I feel a sharp pain in my leg again. No one other then Rick and Carl know about the bullet wound. I try to keep on walking but I get really dizzy so I stop and take a breath.

But all I see is black

======Jareds POV=====

Less than 5 minutes after Rick and my mom speech. Rick comes back out of the forest with my mom in his arms. Everyone slightly gasps saying that something is wrong with her, yeah no shit.. I look at her leg and I see something I didn't notice before. A piece of cloth is tied around her leg full of blood now.

===time skip====

She lost a lot of blood Daryl had to give some. Herschel stitched her up with the little bit of medical supplies we had. She Fades back into consciousness and then Fades back out. She's been doing this for about an hour. I know but she's going to be okay but I don't see it. She shouldn't have kept that from me. She shouldn't have kept that secret from the group either. Who am I to judge. I don't know if she's ignoring me but she kind of hasn't been talking to me Liam or Jared these past couple days. But I just think it's the stress cause she was like this when she was working with the government before all this happened.

=======Time skip/ lanes POV====

It's been about 3 months since the farm has been overrun. The only people that I'm really talking to is brick, Jared, Daryl, Liam, Jonathan and Carl. That's it. I have gotten colder, realising that the people I have gotten close with have.

===8 minutes later====

Here we are circling this area. Winters gonna come soon and little Shane is about to come too. I put hunting with Rick, Darly, and Johnathan when we see.....

=====end chapter ======
I think you guys know what they see. Hope you enjoyed this chapter
Your gonna enjoy the next one if your ready for Lick (Hehe get it cuz lane and Rick makes..I think you get it)

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