Lane Dixion

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An: this story has spoilers from The Walking Dead there are mentions of rape and abuse. This might be a trigger for some of you if it is stop reading the story now. Enjoy

I'm Lane Dixion and this is my story

Me and my brother Darly Dixon are twins I have a older brother named Merle Dixion. When Darly and I were 5 are mom died form a fire. Are dad was abusive after she died. When Merle turned 18 he left to join the military, while me Darly where constily being abused by are father.

Later on when was 26 I was raped by a man named Thomas and he me got pregnant. I have named a son Jared Dixion. I use my last name because I didn't know Thomas last name. Jared knows the truth about his father and who he is. He is 14 and is my world.

When I was in high school I met my two best friends Jonathan Hernandez and Liam Rivera. They dated all through High school and until they were 30. When they were 30 Liam ask Jonathan to marry him and he said yes. They have been married for 7 years now Jonathan is now Jonathan Rivera and Liam is still Liam Rivera. They both have helped me raise Jared all through his life.

When shit hit the fan my brothers, Jonathan and I we're all out hunting. It's been about a week since that day we still haven't found Liam or Jared. We found a camp that Food Water Supplies we are going to rob it blind.


Sorry short chapter but longer ones in the future

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