27 (Pain)

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🎵Wrote the book on pain
Somehow I'm still here to explain
That the darkest hour never comes in the night
You can sleep with a gun
When you gonna wake up and fight?🎵


"What do you mean it's just me?" My brother asks me

"I mean, I'm not going to be with the man who helped beat the shit out of my family." I say

"Merle's our family, lane." He says irritated

"No he's not not. He may be related to me by blood, but he's not my family. Blood is forced upon you, your freinds that you choose to be family isn't." I say sternly

"Then what the hell is he to you?" He questions angrily

"He's the guy who left us when he turned 18." I say

"Is that what your gonna tell him, when he asks why his nephew and little sister aren't with him?"

"Yes, or you can tell him, either way I'm staying here with my family. Just remember your my family too, just not him."

"You know it was Merle, us, and Johnathan, before this." He says looking me I  the eyes

"Don't." I say as a tear falls down at the mention of his name.

"You're just gonna leave like that?" Glenn asks shocked

"You'd do the same thing. "My brother says still looking me in the eyes

"What do You want is to tell Carol?" I ask now realizing my brother, the person who took care of me in all my darkest times is leaving. Cause of me.

"She'll understand." His gaze turns to Rick. And he looks down. He starts walking

" say goodbye to your pop for me." He says to Maggie as he walks by.

" Daryl, are you serious? Daryl!" I yell but he keeps walking forward. Me Glenn Maggie all stop walking and Rick jogs up to him. I put my hands on my head, Glenn wraps his arms aournd me I start to silently cry knowing he's leaving

======Daryls POV===

"Hey. Hey. There's gotta be another way." Rick say joging up to me, this makes me stop in my tracks.

"Don't ask me to leave him, like she's doing. I already did that once, and she's doing it twice. Do me a favor Rick take care of her. She lost her two best friends, and now her two brothers are leaving. Don't let the guy he loves leave her too." I say sadly

"What..... she..... look we started something last night. You realize that, huh?" Rick asserts

"No him,  no me. That's all I can say."

"What about Jared?"

"Take care of yourself, take care of lil'asskicker, Carl. He's one tough kid. Take care of my sister and her son." I say walking to my older brother, I see Jared looking at me with betrayal in his eyes. I look away not wanting to see lane, but I can feel the hurt.

####Lanes POV####

"We patch you up, then your gone." I say looking at Michonne she nods and I get in to the diver seat of a car.

As were driving back to the prison I can feel a piece of me slowly drifting away as we get further and further away from my two brothers. I can feel eyes burning on the side of my head as if some were staring at me with intensity, I look over to my side as Rick is staring at me

"Ya have something to say to Me? That why yer' staring at me?" I ask with irritation leaking from my voice.

"It... look I know this is painful, you just lost 4 people you love the most, and 2 of them choose to leave-" I cut him of

"Yeah Rick its gonna be painful you wanna know why? My two best friends are dead, killed the way I promised wouldn't happen. The 2 men who pulled me out of the deep end when Alex died. My brother who has been missing since the beginning because of you, was back but he left...  agian... my twin brother my other half left with him. Why? Cause' family don't abandon eachother. But who cares about what I'm feeling, I wrote the fucking book on pain. Oh let's not forget, John fucking Moran, as of a day ago he was dead. My brother told me he was dead. But no he wasn't he was alive with my older brother, and he tryed to kill me. The man who helped me move on from Alex tryed to kill me, do you know how this feels, Rick? because I fell so alone." I say with venom dripping from my voice

"No.. lane-" I cut him off agian

"Exactly, nobody else understands my pain. Other then my fucking son. So do me and you a favor and drop this. Okay? okay." I say looking at the road not dareing to look at his blue piercing eyes. A slow tear rolling down my face as I think about, how I haven't been there for my son.

"There is something else we need to talk about though." Rick hesitantly states

"And that is?" I ask as my grip on the steering wheel tightens

"The day we arrived at the prison..... I... i... We did something. Something that I think about consistently, and I hope you do too. I kissed you. And you kissed back, I was wondering what it meant to you." Rick hesitantly but some how quickly says. Shit.

"I don't know what meant, what did you think it meant." I lied, I meant a lot of things to me, but I still don't know what is meant to rick.

"I don't going around kissing every girl I find hot. I kiss the girl I want to be with, but I get it if you don't want to become something more." he says hesitantly

"Look, Rick if I didn't like you I would've kissed you back, but I need some time. I don't wat to jump in a relasonship with out loving who I am first." I say sadly

"But that's the thing Lane I can do that for you. I don't think you realize it but I love you." he says looking at me


End of chapter hehe

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