2 (Uncle Shane?)

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🎵Dear mama
Don't you know I love you?
Dear mama
Place no one above you🎵

====lane pov===============

We have been with this group for awhile I've gotten to know some people but I mainly keep to myself. Shane and I have gotten a little close. He is like a brother to me. He told me about him and Lori and some about his passed. I told him veary little about my passed and I mean very little. But still I feel like I can trust him.

I walked over to my brother he is going on a run for a day to get supplies and shit we need. I don't want him to go because I feel like somethings going to happen but he does what what ever he wants. To-dog, glean, Andrea, Jacqui, morals, Liam, and Merle are all going. Me and Darly are going hunting a day after they leave Jared is staying with Johnthan.
"Be careful I don't wanna be the one to tell my son his uncle is dead or worse...just-just don't do anything stupied Merle because if you die I will pull your ass out of hell and kill you agian. Got it." I told Merle.
"I will..and you know only a Dixion can kill a Dixion."
"Damn right...just come back to me big brother and cone back to your nephew. Love ya bro."
"Ya love ya sis" he says and kisses my head and go to his truck
"Oh and be nice to Andrea and T-dog or I'll kick your ass."
"Yeah whatever" he says as he walks to his truck
"Liam be safe and Make sure he don't do anything stupied...be safe Liam." I say to him but I'm looking up because he's 6'4 and I'm 5'7.
"I will will Laney." I smile and hug him. I look over to see Jared talking to Merle and Merle on one knee talking to him them they hug. Seeing this makes me tear up, because Jared doesn't have a father and the closets father figure he has is Merle hell he has no grandparents, and he calls Dale grandpa Dale.

After saying good bye to Liam I turn away and wipe my tears and head to my tent, I sit on a chair I have in here and pit my head in my hands and think about Jareds father. His name was Thomas, I was at a bar and we talked for a bit then then i needed to go home. So i was on my way home I only had like one beer when but I feel like some ones following me so I look back and see Thomas. So I walk faster but he runs towards me when I wasn't looking and pulled me in to an alley where no one can see us and put a hand over my mouth and telles me " if you yell or struggle I'll kill you" I didn't want to die so I let him do it and when he was done he ran away before I can do anything i black out and then I was in a hospital bed with my brothers around me they tell me what happen. A week later I found out I'm pregnant so-.my thoughts were cut off by some one "knocking" on my tent. So I wipe my tears away.
"Come in" I cringe at how many times my voice cracked. I looked up to see who it was and realize it's Shane.

"You ok" he asks as he sites down next to me
"Yeah just thinking"
"What about?"
"Jareds father"
"What happen...i rember the first day you were here you siad if you see him you'd put a bullet in his head."
"Let's say his dad was a fucked up person that I only met once at a bar and well he followed me and pushed me in to an alley and...uhh...he did somethings to me." I say with my head in my hands.
"Did....he...oh...shit Lane I'm so sorry."
" No its fine sometimes the really fucked up things have to happen to get the really good things. I mean I got one great kid out of it. Even though he don't have a father he has Merle I mean yeah he can be a asshole but he the closes to a father he has." I say looking at Shane
"Yeah...i get it."
"Hey what happen to Carl's dad?"
" we....umm..we...there was a car chase and the men had guns there was only supost to me 2 but there was a third and when Rick turns to me he was shot and was in a coma.....when shit hit the fan I went to go get him and he was dead so yeah. He was living with me when it happen because he found out Loir was cheating...when he was in the hospital going home and seeing his stuff hurt made me feel like it was my fault."

"Well it's wasn't...you didn't pull the trigger the guy did....just because you didn't see the guy it doesn't mean it's your fault...trust me I know.....when I turned 18 I joined the Marines and I was in Iqrac. My fiancé was with me.....I saw kids so drugged up on speed they couldn't say there name but they could shoot a AK....his name was Alex...when are base was being shot at I thought it all clear but there were two guys and because we were distracted they shoot him once in the head and twice in the back. I shoot them before they could kill anyone else. Alex was dead before he hit the ground...for the longest I Thought it was my fault...I...when this happened it was my 6th year so on my 7 year I retired....it took me years to finally believe it wasn't my fault it was the man behind the gun. It wasn't either of are faults." I say he looks shocked about what I siad.

"Yeah youe right.....I didn't know you were in the military.... wow...you have had one hell of a life." He says
"Yeah tell me about it....but I gotta get some sleep the Dixion twins are going hunting." I say with a laugh he nods and goes to walk out but says
" still can't belive y'all are twins but I can see it when you guys get mad or pissed."
"Well Walsh belive it" I say and he walks out..aftwr a min Jared walks in and smiles.
"What you smileing and boy?"
"Uncle Liam and Jonathan were making out behind a tree like there in high school before Liam left."
"Somethings never change...they did the same thing in high school made me and Darly feel like 3rd wheels." We laugh
" tommrow around dinner me and Darly are gonna go hunting well be gone of a couple days I need you to stay her but stay with Johnthan or Shane don't wonder off with out em....i know you can take care of yourself...i just have a bad feeling and...i don't trust Ed...and I just-"
"Mom I get it I'll stay with Uncle Shane and Uncle Johnthan... I have the same feeling but it was about uncle Merle that why I didn't want him to go...bur you have the same feeling so...yeah I get it." He says and kisses my head
" ok thank God you understand just stay with uncle johnatha and un- wait did you say Uncle Shane?"
"Yeah...i mean when you wernt here he took care of me like Liam and still dose...and you and him are supper close so I figured why not."
"If by close you mean what I think you mean it's not like that I see him as a brother."
"Oh I know...mom i know becuse he is not your type."
"My type what do you know about my type?"
"Oh uh... tall um from the South but not super white...uhm has a leader like quora...has kids or has dealt with them enough to take care of them.... strong.....smart.. does anything for his family..umm..lets see...not cocky..but..brave... maybe a little cocky... won't care about your past..I can go on and on mom did you forget how many time me and Uncle Darly tryed to set you up. And im not saying hould wouldn't go for someone like Shane but I don't think you would."
"Yeah, yeah whatever lets get some sleep, night Nancy Drew." I say he rolled his eyes at me and we fall asleep in to a dream less sleep.

I wake up early in the morning get dressed before anyone else even after all these years I still get up super early. I walk out to Darlys truck grab my pack of cigarettes lite one and take a long drag. I do that for a while in till some once agian takes the cigarette from me I look up to see Shane. He takes a puff.
"These will kill you one day. If the walker don't first." He says taking another drag
"Shut up and give my my cigarette back..here." I give him a cigarette he takes it and I light it and I take mine back.
"Thanks" he says I hum for an answer.
"What you doing up so early" he asked I raise my eyebrow at him.
"I'm always up this early why you up this early, Walsh?"
"Couldn't sleep" I nod "when you leaving?"
"After dinner, we will be gone 2 days max" he nods in response I hear a whimper from my tent, knowing its my son dearming about my father...fuck..
"Fuck...I'll be back Walsh....give me a minute" I say he nods curiously I flick my cigarette to the ground and jog to my tent. I see my son sitting up with his head in his hand silently sobbing. I go over and hug him he cryes in my chest.
"Shhh...sh..baby What happen" I ask
"I-It was a..about grandpa...h....hit-"I cut him off knowing what it was about
"Shhh its ok he's not comming back....shhh..shh it's ok." I say he relaxes and slowly falls back asleep. I put him back in his sleeping bag and rub my hand over my face and walk back out.

I'm getting ready to leave with Darly.
"Sis you ok...you seem off?" Darly asks
"I guess....its Jared he keeps have the dream agian...the one with me and dad....it... I feel like it's my fault he has this nightmare...im the one who thought it would be a good idea to take him to see dad when he was 7...and at 7...he had to see his mother being...b-beatin almost t-to d...death...it just makes me fell like a bad mom." I say in all honesty and sobbing, Darly hugs me and i pit my head on his chest
"Hey..your The best mother ever Lane...its not like you let it happen... your the best mother yeah at times you can be a cunt...but he loves you your doing the best you can...now suck it up cuz Dixions don't fucking cry." He says I laugh, my tears and, nod my head. We say goodbye to everyone and take off.

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