1 (camp)

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🎵So lay me down
Lay me to rest
It's over now 'cause I know
It's the beginning of the end🎵


Lane pov

" so since we found this camp we going to rob it or we going to stay there for a while?" I asked

" why don't we stay there for a while so they don't expect anything, then rob it?" Jonathan said

"Ya that's a good idea" Merle and Daryl siad

" alrighty" I siad
We head toward this camp and a man with black hair that might be around six foot is standing there.

" who are y'all" he asks with a Stern voice.
" I'm Lane Dixon that's, Daryl Dixon that's, Merle Dixon and that's, Jonathan Rivera. We're just looking for somewhere to stay for a while."
" what can you do?" He asks

"Ummm well we can hunt and track for food."
" all right you can stay here is long as you help us get some food."
"Y'all ok with that?" I ask my small group, they look around eachotherand nod
" yeah we're okay with that" I say
" all right come on this way."
We follow him until we get.

" hey guys I met some new people that can give us some food. They're Hunters come say hello.(An: heeh if you get that refeince your awesome) the group of people come to meet us.

"MOM?!" I hear the kids voice that sounds like Jared's
" mom is that you?"

" Jared?" That's when I see him that's when I see my son my world. He comes running up to me. My vision blurs due to the tears that are coming out. He finally reaches me and I lift him up off the ground and hug him as I'm quietly crying.
" mama I thought-I thought I was never going to see you again..mom" he says he's crying
" no I'm here... I'm here." I gently put him back down on the ground and I start to wonder if he was here all by himself.

" Jared were you here..... by yourself?"
" no Uncle Liam was here with me he should be in his tent. Let me go get him." Then you runs off to a black tent
" he just runs off without saying hello to Uncle Merle and Uncle Darly?" Merle says with a small laugh
" he says that Liam's here, where's Jonathan."
" I'm right here what's up?"

" Jonathan?!"
" Liam?" Liam nods and runs toward Jonathan and hugs him they pull away from the hug and kiss.
" yo guys keep it PG" I say Liam looks at me then comes to me and picks me off the ground and spines me around
"Let me go you tall fuck" I say he lets me go and hug me agian.

" thank you. Thank you for keeping him safe and bringing him back to me." Liam says

" yeah it's no problem. Shouldn't I be thanking you ...your.... you looked after my son and that's something I can never repay you for..thanks." I say as I'm looking at Jared talk to my brothers.

"It's no problem Laney" I give him the Dixon glare
" how many times have I told you not to call me that?"
" and how many times have I listened to you?"
" touche"
" but in all seriousness Lane I shouldn't get all the credit without Shane we would be on the side of the road."
" Shane?"
" yeah the one that brought you to this group"oh ok that guy.
"Oh yeah I'll go make sure you don't get full credit then." I tell Liam then then walks over to Jonathan and talks to him as I walk over to my brothers and my son.
" hey Jared why don't you go do something will I talk to your uncle's." He nods and then walks over to a younger boy maybe around 9.
" what's up sis" Darly asks well Merle looks at me.
" I don't I think we should stay here and not go with the original plan it's a place or my son has been for the past 2 weeks I think it might be safe so I'm staying here I don't know about y'all."I tell em and Darly an't Merle look at each other and nod.
" we're staying too" I nod then walk over to Shane I think that's his name.

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