author note.

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I know most of you will skip over this and that's ok. This story is almost a year old and I haven't published since July. I am very sorry about this but I haven't had the best year. I've lost alot

I know my story has a lot of errors and I get that some of you want to make it know to me but please don't tell me what to do with my story.

I'm tired of going through my comments and seeing someone make me feel like idk how to write simply for the fact that I missed spelled something.

I haven't had the passion to write for this book but I will be publishing agian im not sure when.

I'm sorry if this offends you but if you read my story just to criticize it fuck off. I get enough hate  for my story plot and me not publishing, i don't need something else to make me not want to write this.

Remember im human I have feelings.

BTW I didn't edit this either so sorry if I missed spelled something.

Your author Rhiannon. 💖💖💖💖

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